Starcraft 2 animated theme


Starcraft 2 soldier ,with some moving electricity on arm and an animated eye
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and exelent job whit this theme


can some body can do some dragon ball z animated themes please


its the least i could do for you & no worries whenever its cool




thank you very much, hope your feeling well,..( your fan )


Oh man… GREAT theme, mate! Veeeery well done!
++++++++++1! 😀


thanks for the comments on my channel.. i will add u on psn when i get a chance cool …. ….


i thumbs up STARCRAFT 2 ANIMATED PS3 THEME on youtube like a manic it finally registered ^_^ 1st time using youtube as a account holder person i juess its called lol


btw if you want i can add you on psn i share my ps3 with my sister whenever she come to visite me we mostly just play retro consoles games & offline anyhoo she put the private setting thing so no can add me currently to weed out unwanted spam messages & i gotta call psn cs to get the password eventually ^_^


the METAL GEAR RISING REVENGEANCE …ANIMATED PS3 THEME yes i went to youtube i just recently created a youtube account 1st time ever & i thumbs up all your awesome animated themes & i subcribe i’m terrible using computers my one weakness ^_^


lightning, electricity lol , same same .did you see the link i put in earlier messing around with that for u atm


your a dj sweet,i can only imagine what awesome custom sounds you’ll create,oh can’t wait for your METAL GEAR RISING REVENGEANCE Animated its beautiful & i keep saying lighting its electricity sorry ^_^ for all the awesome masterpieces your creating & sharing its the least i could do you always have my support & thank you very very much i appreciated


thanks again,GlowBall 😉


another cool theme man 🙂 +1


i havn’t been adding custom sounds as yet, but once i get into the swing of things my themes will have sounds aswell, considering im a dj lol…. ive played around with the dinosaucers a bit image is really bad found some hd footage but .. trying to sort it out for u ….. and thanks for the kind words , METAL GEAR RISING REVENGEANCE will be uploaded asap… glad you liked it , and your suuport is welcome


nevermind i turn the volume a bit higher i’m working right now i thought it had custom souns anyhoo ^_^ i downloaded battlefield animated it look awesome can’t wait to go home & put it on my ps3 thank very much i don’t have a youtube account never needed one before but i’ll make one as soon as i can to try my best to show my support


METAL GEAR RISING REVENGEANCE …ANIMATED whoa mama that is awesome i’m very glad that your sharing your work with ps3 because its totally rocks the best animated themes i have ever seen thank you so much for sharing them btw that animated is an instant 5/5 one question does it come with the custom sound too *_* ps anything animated of dinosaucers would be epic i can’t stop watching your Starcraft 2 animated & now METAL GEAR RISING REVENGEANCE …ANIMATED what you guys are making on ps3 themes is beyond the dull & overpriced themes on psn ^_^


will do my best to get it done cool .. check this out


i actually have dinosaucers cartoon series on vhs but the quality is terrible beyond words,i found this picture i love is it useful to you or i think if its better from scatch whatever you pick will be cool i would just love to see dinosaucers animated just like what you have done with Starcraft 2 animated its beautiful & with whatever custom sounds you pick will be epic thank you very much i leave my dream in your hands *_* (dinosaucers animated with custom sounds)


yeah sure its all possible custom sounds will just take longer to produce, but its fine i should be able to work something out , try and find a dvd realease so the quality is much better if not i will make it from scratch.. cool beans .

@Harima thanks man …


if possible could you kindly add custom sounds to the dinosaucers animated i would totally love that because ps3 sounds are just so dull & boring anything would be nice thank you ps only if its possible the custom sounds


Wow dude this is great thanks +1 for awesome electricity effect^^


i have found alot of dinosaucers pictures unfortunately they are mostly fill with viruses i tryed google dinosaucers dvd there are alot of pictures & they seem ok whatever you choose will be fine,i would love just to have a animated dinosaucers with your green yellowish effects would be perferct,sorry i could not find anything better ps or if you have something else in mind that would be cool too whatever you pick of dinosaucers will be awesome i’m sure & thank you


@audiodeviant i’m going on my laptop to see if i can find pictures of dinosaucers that may be useful to you because unfortunately ps3 browser is absolutely terrible its freezing in just about almost all websites


@audiodeviant 1st you thank so much for taking on dinosaucers *_* anything you make will be greatly appreciated i honestly love how you have made Starcraft 2 animated with green yellowish color lighting & eyes & the icons too,i would love to see dinosaucers with the same effects it would be super duper awesome i just put the link of dinosaucers in case you maybe haven’t heard of it ^_^


will have to find some better jpeg or footage , its on the list cool


i sure can, is it just that image you wanted or ? would you like to wing it ?
thanks again Exel …


The Theme look’s Great +1 (another Great work) 🙂


wow its looks awesome & thank you for sharing your work 5/5 ps by any chance could you make a dinosaucers animated just like what you have done on this 1 ^_^
it would be greatly appreciated


cheers jaydee1003 and thanks alot faxtron , i think the same about your work …. watching your video tutorial, along with glowball ‘s ofcoarse allowed me to do this… so thank you +glowball


definitely a +1 !! love the theme great job. 🙂


+1 Bro this is one of the best animated themes I ever seen on this site for real. It’s in the top of the list a 5 ☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ theme. I want to see more themes from you. Thanks for sharing this piece of art with us here 🙂


thanks uLtRaMa6nEt1c


This is dope. Never played the game, but still a great job. +1