DK Media Home v2.0

Theme by Delay81

Hi, in this release i changed
all the things that peoples asked for.


*User Icons
*Friends Icons
*Internet Browser
*Photo-Music-Video Folder Icons
*Photo-Music-Video File Icons
*Power Off Icon
*Trophy Icon
USB Device
Playlist Icons
7 Wallpapers

(* = by request)

New XMB Only on HD

Greetz to:
Paul Wakefield
Brian McBriar
Benny Miles
Download Here

19 thoughts on “DK Media Home v2.0

  1. Does the power usage and ps3 ok things on the bottom right and left really work? I already downloaded it and I think its really cool but wondering if that stuff works or just for looks, either way great! Thanks

  2. is there anyway i can download the background separately and assign it as the background because i love one of them on this theme and i hate that it switches all the time.

  3. w8 a sec…u sayed:in this release i change….
    u mean u can make ur own themes on PS3?…plz ttell me how and if u can downoad the program u use and from where.


  4. Hi soliddd4
    Thank you! I’m currently playing FallOut3 and I’ve not yet thought about another Theme.
    Greetz, Delay

  5. Next one is a Mortal Kombat Deception Girls theme
    with simple Black icons that i’ve created for a friend.

  6. @ Money Does Buy Happiness
    are u using a HD Tv?
    The walls with the sysmonitor icons appears
    Read the Post! it says New XMB Only on HD!

  7. @ MONEY DOES…
    …what did u said??? It shows some very important information instead!! Believe me, this theme really rules!

  8. It doesn’t show the CPU usage% or Temp, etc. like it shows in the picture above…. and I was all hyped up for nothing, what a sham! 🙁

  9. Hi Delay 81, I really appreciate your last “creation”….I’d like to ask u one thing..may you please give me your mail address OR send me an email???Thank u!

  10. Anything u dislike on the theme?
    Then tell me and it will be fixed on the neXt release.
    Thank you!

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