Anime Girls 1

Theme by PedoBear

Some of my fave anime pictures, 16 Full HD images
All of the pictures can be found at
thanks to all these great designer and art workers
Visit for the icons
Download Here

8 thoughts on “Anime Girls 1

  1. Hikonoma:

    Please what is the name of manga of the picture Red & Black ? Verry good Theme !!!!!!!!

    It’s a total random image I found on so I don’t think there is a manga involving that picture. Maybe, but dont think so.

  2. @Shoonz if the file itself does not work I do not know why, but if the theme does not come up on the install button in on the ps3. Create a folder named “PS3” then in that file make a folder named “THEME” and put the theme file in themes folder

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