Boob Lovers #1

Theme by ShadowSkilz

Request for T-cal, thanks for already givin’ me the theme name! 😀 ha ha

16 HD wallpapers and funny sounds.
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Well… you know, I’m italian, and in that site there’s a guy who has your same name and the same “phrase of wisdom”, so I thought you were that person… 😛

Oh, never mind 😀


I’m so calm I had to check my pulse, and as for me being on PS3-ITA (non ho idea che cosa vostro parlare) LOL


Hey, calm down, guys…

And you, Florio007, Majin’s right: there’s no need to offend someone who’s only expressing an opinion about something.

Hey, Majin! You know, your “phrase of wisdom” reminds me something…
Are you the same Majin I saw on the PS3-ITA site, by chance???


I can fully agree with that OPTIMUS lol



LOL … I fully understand your explanation OPTIMUS . My last comment was ment entirely as a joke lol , Don’t worry i’m done now . Now ShadowSkillz let this be a lesson to you we just won’t tolerate any more subpar themes , not from you ! LOL j/k you still rock man .

Well, by saying “here we go again”, I was joking too (didn’t you see the smile?) 😛
Ok: considering that Shadow’s themes are always good, let’s say that this time he was too “distracted” by boobs… 😀


Woah florio007 ……. Listen here you little kiss-ass suck up don’t attack me for having my own opions (as I stated in my 1st post) and i’m not the only one who shares that opion. If you think your little 5th grade insult will somehow bother me you’ll have to try a whole lot harder than a 3 letter word that couldn’t be any farther from the truth (just ask your little sister …… mmmm good times). Ok rather than continue to stoop to your level and insult you any further (I have to get back to your sister) I… Read more »


Majin your a fag. Shadowskilz very nice theme my man.


yoo Shadow i been downloadin ya themes 4 a while now this my 1st time commenting but i can truly say ur themes are the greatest keep it up homie


LOL … I fully understand your explanation OPTIMUS . My last comment was ment entirely as a joke lol , Don’t worry i’m done now . Now ShadowSkillz let this be a lesson to you we just won’t tolerate any more subpar themes , not from you ! LOL j/k you still rock man .


Lol, here we go again… 😀
I’m not disagreeing, Majin: as I said, I understand your point of view, but I only explained the possible difference between a standard theme (which is created using all the time needed) and a “requested” one which very often is created quickly, so its quality may be lower… that’s all.
For this reason, it’s obvious this theme is not one of the best that Shadowskilz made compared to the others (which are veeery good)


finally someone who agrees with me lol


not bad but its not the best theme u’ve made


I like boobs lol, and this theme isn’t “bad”. I merely ment it’s from ShadowSkillz so I was expecting greatness like so many of his other themes in my collection. Just a little constructive criticism so “Boob lovers 2” will take its rightful place in my collection lol.


Hey! Don’t forget about me, bro: I like it too… 😛

However, as I meant, it doesn’t matter if it’s a “requested theme” or not: it can be appreciated anyway.
KJ and T-Cal are the proof… 😀


Thank you KJ and T-cal i’m glad you like this theme!



So something “requested” by someone who obviously likes your work (which I do dont get me wrong) deserves subpar because it’s just a “request” ? Well ok thank you for clearing that up for me OPTIMUS lol .

Believe me, I understand your point of view, bro… but you misunderstood 😛 : I just meant that sometimes a “requested theme” is created in less time than usual, in order to satisfy who has requested it as soon as possible, so it can happen that the overall quality may be lower than a “normal theme”…


A+ CUZ 😉


Yo, Shadowskilz! Thanks for the theme! 😀


So something “requested” by someone who obviously likes your work (which I do dont get me wrong) deserves subpar because it’s just a “request” ? Well ok thank you for clearing that up for me OPTIMUS lol .


Thanks Optimus -_-


Well, as Shadowskilz said, this is just a “requested theme”…


awsome tits props man mad props


Definetly not one of your better themes . Being a boob lover myself lol and seeing that you made this theme I had to dowload it ( only to delete it moments later ) this theme seemed rushed a little more background photo searching could have made this theme another keeper from you. Still a fan tho and this is only my opion lol ( 2.5 stars )