Chun-Li (Street Fighter) Hentai

Theme by ShadowSkilz

Sounds by Higgs 79. 16 HD wallpapers. Please rate and comment.
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23 thoughts on “Chun-Li (Street Fighter) Hentai

  1. Uhhmm I have a question. Is it illegal if I download a PS3 themes here? I’m scared to put the themes to my PS3 coz I don’t want to break my PS3…

  2. Chun Li is my chick from my childhood to now. If there were a Chinese chick with thick thighs like Chun Li, I would get with that! I’ve been writing hentai fictions about Chun Li! Thanks!

  3. Oh I’m sorry I use ps3 theme creator, and it only allows me HD (1920×1080) wallpapers… 🙁

  4. I feel the same way GOOMBAH!!! xD

    I use to love street fighter II and I love that character.

    Even if I’m a huge tekken fan…

  5. Oh wow! I love this! Chun Li was my first digital crush waaay back when the original SFII came out in arcades! Now my fantasies are in front of my eyes

  6. I did a search on ur name to find the Taki theme and saw 5 others that I had already. Once again, u r DA MAN

    your 2nd biggest fan

  7. For sure sundance i love soul calubur too i was thinking of making a theme.

    For now you can download my Taki theme here.

  8. You r da man. Any chance of u making a hentai theme featuring the girls from Soul Calibur IV or Virtua Fighter 5?

  9. Thanks a lot KJ, that’s my man right there!!! 😀

    Always the first to leave a comment, I’m so glad you enjoy my work.

    Peace man.

  10. New theme already that wat im talkin about. dam i love thick girls then put Chun-Li in tha mix 5 stars all tha way cuz

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