Theme by Matrix21
Had a request for this, so I decided to do this babe, just to give doing requests a try, and i am by no means saying i will take requests, however, pm me, and I might do it once and a while, maybe.
Icons by Lanes8
Download Here
How can you NOT have a computer in 2013?????
what’s past is past but i did say i’m sorry ok so & i am grateful you made a theme for me ok
I did think of that, I just don’t understand why after i make you one theme, and say whatever just cause i’m busy making other themes?
don’t got a computer you ever thought of that & it’s not a fit, a opinion but i understand what your getting at so Thanks for the advice
you ppl talk 2 much just download it
Why don’t you make one, the prgram is free, there’s nothing stopping you from downloading the thing and making your own themes, don’t throw a fit cause i’m busy making other themes.
sexi girl.hi all
I only use one account, when I upload my themes, I can use my user name or my nickname, I choose my nickname in case anyone I know comes to this site, like family, and I’m working on a lot of themes, so I don’t really have the time to make one of Vanilla Daville
ok so use just 1 account instead of 2, how was i suppose to know ? -_- anyway Cody Matrix the Vanilla Deville theme
Matrix, I’d like to help you with themes. If you’d like….?
I am Matrix21, my nickname
but this is Matrix’s work not yours & i don’t remember that but if you say so sorry for the confusion
You told me that you asked me for a theme of Veronica Rayne, and i was saying no you didn’t.
who are you talking to Cody ?
Wanna make themes together?
sorry it was Vanilla Deville & ThankYou for answering my request on Dani Jensen much appreciated
Matrix ThankYou
No, you didn’t, and honestly, after this one, don;t think i’m gonna do requests anymore, was a lot of work.
i asked you for a Veronica Rayne theme or slideshow theme last month i hope you can