hallo gio yours pics have moved just broadly this does not look but idee felt well so I had to make over again better sorry
thanks alot for taking my idea without credit for the idea look up toon pin ups and you will see the backgrounds i have of elias
Hey Jason there are more people with SD tvs then HD. Get with reality.
its not even in SD and that is ur opinion did you see the edit version of mine?
no SD you are complaining about no SD? SD is out of date get with the times.
It’s horrible no SD so it’s not that good
hallo gio
yours pics have moved just broadly this does not look
but idee felt well
so I had to make over again better sorry
thanks alot for taking my idea without credit for the idea
look up toon pin ups and you will see the backgrounds i have of elias
Nice theme but the elias-design name takes away from the pictures