Hot Ninja Dynamic Theme v.1.0

Theme by 1MenArmyProduction

I present today a new dynamic theme.
The theme includes a ninja babe.

I hope u like it.
Download Here

10 thoughts on “Hot Ninja Dynamic Theme v.1.0

  1. hey can you please add this version with v.2.0 instead of keeping them seperate? please! you’re the best!!

  2. Her name is: Samara Leite
    apart from many many movies she has created.
    Ninja do Funk and Indiana do Funk 😉

  3. her name i do not know, all i know is that she is a brasilian p*rn star that goes by the name of “ninja do funk” if u google it u will find her

  4. Love it!!!!!!! Love the woman even more!!!!!! (no disrespect or anything… lol ) but the theme is awsome. see if you can make one with a black background, with grey smoke. And who is my mystery wife … She seems to be beautifully attractive . holla at yo boi… -_-

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