Male Nude B&W v2

Theme by radicalTERRA

*The first version is up on my deviantART account, but it’s not very good, so here’s the better version.

Description: I’ve been browsing the web looking for hot guys to grace my PS3 with an XMB theme, and I haven’t found much in the way of quality or quantity. I created this theme to help expand the market on adult males. It’s very simple, and the guys are HOT!

PS: Don’t worry about the little censor bar; the theme itself is completely uncensored! P:

If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail them to or hit me up on deviantART. My username is radicalTERRA

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10 thoughts on “Male Nude B&W v2

  1. An u make a hot guy theme like this were u see the guys full naked body plz? The guys r sooooo sexy and my user ID on psn is JMAY1227

  2. Okay, anyone else on this page who likes my theme only has until tonight to wait for the pink version. Well, I’ll be submitting it tonight. The icons stand out more, and the theme is very bubblegum pop. Just look for something very, verrry pink!

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