This theme contains 18 HD/SD pictures of model, Paloma B. This theme does contain nudity and icons are default. This was made on request. Download Here
Just the preview is only, all the images in the theme it’s self, aren’t. So when you install this on you PS3, you will get the full nudity on all images.
is it cencerd wen u get it
Thanks for all the Likes, but I’d like to know the three who didn’t like this and I want to know on where I can improve. Thank you!
Thank you who ever requested this, she is so dang gorgeous and cute. Thank you Lanes8
can you get these without the XMB?
Just the preview is only, all the images in the theme it’s self, aren’t. So when you install this on you PS3, you will get the full nudity on all images.
is it cencerd wen u get it
Thanks for all the Likes, but I’d like to know the three who didn’t like this and I want to know on where I can improve. Thank you!
Thank you who ever requested this, she is so dang gorgeous and cute. Thank you Lanes8
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