Priya Anjali Rai

Theme by ShadowSkilz

This theme contains 16 HD wallpapers and sounds about the indian p*rnstar: Priya Rai.

For my other themes just write my name in the search area.
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18 thoughts on “Priya Anjali Rai

  1. good job…i was trying to make one of her but i just started playing with the theme editor so im not that good yet. i would be upset you beat me to it, but you did her justice so round of applauds for u.thanx

  2. @PLAYERJ69 – A lot of biased people like to downvote anything sexy (that they find “tasteless”) or has nudity, or even anything that has anime in it.

  3. im not sure why the low rate? this is one of the best i’ve seen so far thanks to the sounds.

  4. Ah ah 😀 yeah I thougt that was funny to put that as a sound. Of course that’s her real voice!

  5. Oh thanks a lot man! I just discovered that chick lately. But she deserves a theme fo’sure!!! 😀

  6. Thank you ShadowSkills !! You have just made my day I’ve been waiting for a Pirya theme forever ,she is 1 of my favorites and you did a damn good job ! 5 stars keep them comming !!

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