i know here name is Melisa but what’s the last name?
I couldnt tell you. She mainly goes under the alias of “Melisa” on most websites. Dig around and im sure you can find more. The Picture shown is from “Met-Art”
i know here name is Melisa but what’s the last name?
ThiS ThemE IS MY NeW GawD
Ill get onto some more themes when i get some more spare time.
Most of my images come from: “www.wallbase.net” They have some great high res images from every sort of genre. If that fails google is still good
If you want these pics just download theme on your pc and use the extracter provivded on this site
Cheers, Looking forward to making some themes.
images source plz? so I can get them thx
how about Bria Myles, or Montana Deleon, or Yami Doll, or Mizz DR
nice theme can you make a new york giants nfl theme=)
Some do Hitomi Tanaka and please msg Darth_Wader85 via psn if you do it. thanks
They review the theme before they put it up. Make sure you follow the rules on the upload page. Other than that, I wouldnt know why yours wasnt uploaded.
Yeah add the file extention onto your theme.
eg. Verysexy is original when it was made, change it to >
you can change it by right clicking>properties or just renameing it hope that helps…
Oh it it does have that extentions the ps3 wont read it.
iwas just wonted to know cuz i uploaded one long time ago and it was never put up so i wonted to know if i was doing it right
Yeah add the file extention onto your theme.
eg. Verysexy is original when it was made, change it to >
you can change it by right clicking>properties or just renameing it hope that helps…
Oh it it does have that extentions the ps3 wont read it.
yeah guys ill get onto it. give me a couple of days. glad you like this one. and as dragon has said tell me what icons you want. and dragon, what themes are you going to do? dont want to make the same ones. mine will look bad lol
any one that some one wont’s i like making them so it dont matter to me man
hay man i just wonted to ask you if iam uploading it right do i just put the pt3 in and it load’s
@Dragon ill do: dita von teese, tila tequila and isabella soprano. You have the rest. sound good?
She goes under different aliases but mainly uses “melisa”. that is correct spelling. real name escapes me at the moment. ill have to get back to you on it.
yeah guys ill get onto it. give me a couple of days. glad you like this one. and as dragon has said tell me what icons you want. and dragon, what themes are you going to do? dont want to make the same ones. mine will look bad lol
any one that some one wont’s i like making them so it dont matter to me man
yeah guys ill get onto it. give me a couple of days. glad you like this one. and as dragon has said tell me what icons you want. and dragon, what themes are you going to do? dont want to make the same ones. mine will look bad lol
I couldnt tell you. She mainly goes under the alias of “Melisa” on most websites. Dig around and im sure you can find more. The Picture shown is from “Met-Art”
i know here name is Melisa but what’s the last name?
ThiS ThemE IS MY NeW GawD
Ill get onto some more themes when i get some more spare time.
Most of my images come from: “www.wallbase.net” They have some great high res images from every sort of genre. If that fails google is still good
If you want these pics just download theme on your pc and use the extracter provivded on this site
Cheers, Looking forward to making some themes.
images source plz? so I can get them thx
how about Bria Myles, or Montana Deleon, or Yami Doll, or Mizz DR
nice theme can you make a new york giants nfl theme=)
Some do Hitomi Tanaka and please msg Darth_Wader85 via psn if you do it. thanks
They review the theme before they put it up. Make sure you follow the rules on the upload page. Other than that, I wouldnt know why yours wasnt uploaded.
iwas just wonted to know cuz i uploaded one long time ago and it was never put up so i wonted to know if i was doing it right
Yeah add the file extention onto your theme.
eg. Verysexy is original when it was made, change it to >
you can change it by right clicking>properties or just renameing it hope that helps…
Oh it it does have that extentions the ps3 wont read it.
hay man i just wonted to ask you if iam uploading it right do i just put the pt3 in and it load’s
@Dragon ill do: dita von teese, tila tequila and isabella soprano. You have the rest. sound good?
She goes under different aliases but mainly uses “melisa”. that is correct spelling. real name escapes me at the moment. ill have to get back to you on it.
who is that girl in the water? what is her name?
any one that some one wont’s i like making them so it dont matter to me man
yeah guys ill get onto it. give me a couple of days. glad you like this one. and as dragon has said tell me what icons you want. and dragon, what themes are you going to do? dont want to make the same ones. mine will look bad lol
i can
if any one wonts a theme dune hit me up at email whitedragon72@msn.com and tell me what you wont for incons if you wont me to do it
Please make one of Kari Sweet!!!!
could make allie sin or presley maddox or courtney cummz please
tila tequila or isabella soprano please
really nice theme
can you make a dita von teese theme?