Vida Guerra 18+

Theme by Chewy!
191-vidaguerra18.jpgDownload Here

72 thoughts on “Vida Guerra 18+

  1. @ gospelteller – The true shame would be if beauty like this was covered up. There can be no darkness in the sun, there can only be darkness in the eyes that behold it.

  2. u guys should be ashamed of urself. No women should be publicized like that.

  3. Vida Guerra Is The Hottest Model Alive and On Dis Planet. Other than Cubana Lust and Maliah Michele!!!!

  4. does any1 now were i can icons or be able to change icons of170*128 i carnt make a theme wihtout these cheers

  5. I just added Vida Guerra 3 & 4!!!!
    Vida Guerra 3 is VG 2.5 updated to 2.42
    Vida Guerra 4 is all new!
    They both now support SD & HD!!!!!!!

  6. dude she is fine!!! love the work keep it coming cause it aint just little boys who play these things 😉

  7. FINALLY!! all i need was a Vida Guerra theme.. i already have all her pictures in my PS3… all it needs now is some work on the icons thats it. great theme man

  8. hey yo this is a great theme, any chance you can make some more but with different girls, chewy?

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