@ gospelteller – The true shame would be if beauty like this was covered up. There can be no darkness in the sun, there can only be darkness in the eyes that behold it.
whats all that shit about icons i betcha u wouldn’t complain if u had her in the bed
I got some more comin soon!!!!!!
Amen to that
Awesome theme and icons .Vida Is one smoking Lady
You should be ashamed of yourself, gospelteller. You are an obvious troll. I bet you LOVE this theme and are using it right now.
u guys should be ashamed of urself. No women should be publicized like that.
I just added Vida and its just to say set it off man, Thanks
Vida Guerra Is The Hottest Model Alive and On Dis Planet. Other than Cubana Lust and Maliah Michele!!!!
can u make one with the chick LoveGisele? she is freakin hot!
does any1 now were i can icons or be able to change icons of170*128 i carnt make a theme wihtout these cheers
you can checkout the rest of my work by searching the name “chewy”
I just added Vida Guerra 3 & 4!!!!
Vida Guerra 3 is VG 2.5 updated to 2.42
Vida Guerra 4 is all new!
They both now support SD & HD!!!!!!!
Woah!! She is so goddamn hot but the icons need a little bit of work
how come all i see on the background are waves?
i got even better one with better icon also +18
dude she is fine!!! love the work keep it coming cause it aint just little boys who play these things
PSN Id: Crump
FINALLY!! all i need was a Vida Guerra theme.. i already have all her pictures in my PS3… all it needs now is some work on the icons thats it. great theme man
hey yo this is a great theme, any chance you can make some more but with different girls, chewy?
not bad but the icons need work.
yo i like
yo i like this theme alot. can you make more but with dif girls?
tiue !!!
keep up the good work yo!
super cool
cool ,thx 4 sharing
Really reallynice theme thanks
good theme ¡¡¡¡
cool. thanks
very hot.
awesome theme gorgeous pics gorgeous babe
Very nice! I like the themes!
Thank you! Author.. xD lol
New Vida theme
Wo Wa Wee Wa is a very nice!!!
@ gospelteller – The true shame would be if beauty like this was covered up. There can be no darkness in the sun, there can only be darkness in the eyes that behold it.
u hav to set ur display in 16:9
whats all that shit about icons i betcha u wouldn’t complain if u had her in the bed
I got some more comin soon!!!!!!
Amen to that
Awesome theme and icons .Vida Is one smoking Lady
You should be ashamed of yourself, gospelteller. You are an obvious troll. I bet you LOVE this theme and are using it right now.
u guys should be ashamed of urself. No women should be publicized like that.
I just added Vida and its just to say set it off man, Thanks
Vida Guerra Is The Hottest Model Alive and On Dis Planet. Other than Cubana Lust and Maliah Michele!!!!
can u make one with the chick LoveGisele? she is freakin hot!
does any1 now were i can icons or be able to change icons of170*128 i carnt make a theme wihtout these cheers
you can checkout the rest of my work by searching the name “chewy”
I just added Vida Guerra 3 & 4!!!!
Vida Guerra 3 is VG 2.5 updated to 2.42
Vida Guerra 4 is all new!
They both now support SD & HD!!!!!!!
Woah!! She is so goddamn hot but the icons need a little bit of work
how come all i see on the background are waves?
i got even better one with better icon also +18
dude she is fine!!! love the work keep it coming cause it aint just little boys who play these things
PSN Id: Crump
FINALLY!! all i need was a Vida Guerra theme.. i already have all her pictures in my PS3… all it needs now is some work on the icons thats it. great theme man
hey yo this is a great theme, any chance you can make some more but with different girls, chewy?
not bad but the icons need work.
yo i like
yo i like this theme alot. can you make more but with dif girls?
I understand that Adults NEED themes too!!!