i bet every comment is from a fat lazy yank who loves cheap fuel and does not mind killing his own soldiers to get it let alone thousands of others and wrecking another country, but when something happens in your own back yard every bod else should pay you ! you cant have your cake and eat it.
T hanks.. it’s easiy the best I’ve seen.
lol when i first saw this i thought of what happened during the mtv movie awards…. oh i forgot fûçk you bp
One of the few themes i dont want but still need to have.
I tend not to get too involved in things I can’t control. To me it’s wasted energy in the pursuit of happiness, but to each his own I guess. *shrugs*
Thanks for sharing!
for those of you that are to stupid to see a bigger picture, BP is a major contibutor to the economy. If they go under (which they wont over this ‘spill’) it would make the US worse off than it nos now. economy wise. whoever made this is some teenager who thinks theyre wiity, really their just uneducated
@ masfer
go get yourself run over by a double decker bus
get over it you tree huggers
without bp you wouldn’t have been able to go on this website because there would be no electricity
The people on the background of the theme are from a real execution in Vietnam. I saw the video of the right guy gttin shot…
Niiice lol. Here’s hoping BP goes under, FAST and a certain somebody never gets his life back tut. Thanks for sharing The Vidya.
wow color me impressed
and i hope BP goes bankrupt.
i’m also pissed at my own US government for sitting with their hands under their lazy butts
i bet every comment is from a fat lazy yank who loves cheap fuel and does not mind killing his own soldiers to get it let alone thousands of others and wrecking another country, but when something happens in your own back yard every bod else should pay you ! you cant have your cake and eat it.
T hanks.. it’s easiy the best I’ve seen.
lol when i first saw this i thought of what happened during the mtv movie awards…. oh i forgot fûçk you bp
One of the few themes i dont want but still need to have.
I tend not to get too involved in things I can’t control. To me it’s wasted energy in the pursuit of happiness, but to each his own I guess. *shrugs*
Thanks for sharing!
for those of you that are to stupid to see a bigger picture, BP is a major contibutor to the economy. If they go under (which they wont over this ‘spill’) it would make the US worse off than it nos now. economy wise. whoever made this is some teenager who thinks theyre wiity, really their just uneducated
@ masfer
go get yourself run over by a double decker bus
get over it you tree huggers
without bp you wouldn’t have been able to go on this website because there would be no electricity
The people on the background of the theme are from a real execution in Vietnam. I saw the video of the right guy gttin shot…
Niiice lol. Here’s hoping BP goes under, FAST and a certain somebody never gets his life back
tut. Thanks for sharing The Vidya.
wow color me impressed
and i hope BP goes bankrupt.
i’m also pissed at my own US government for sitting with their hands under their lazy butts