Bizarre Reflective Metal: Wormhole

Theme by OPTIMUS

This will be the last Reflective Metal theme, guys, for 3 reasons:

1) I had to work hard on the algorithm I used (for the reflection effects of the first 2 themes) in order to generate this new effect.

2) I run out of ideas for new backgrounds… 😛

3) I got really tired of forging metal… 😀

So, guys (I mean HeroicReaper-don’t worry bro, I’m joking…) do not ask me other themes like this, please…

Ok, this one is updated for firmware 3.40 and contains:

-10 new HD/SD backgrounds on which I also applied a very slight blur effect on the outside (but probably many of you will not notice it) in order to give the feeling of a slow movement of the image from the outside toward the center.
-same handmade icons you already know + the new “video upload” icon.
-no boring sounds.
Download Here

38 thoughts on “Bizarre Reflective Metal: Wormhole

  1. Lol! Well, nobody is perfect… 😛
    What’s the story?

    (Don’t forget to go into my Red Faction theme, then absolutely into Mike’s Vault theme… :D)

  2. Yeah, when I saw Lost and Damned I thought the same thing: the style would match very well, I find!

    Shutter…? Well, believe it or not, I never seen it. But now that you told me, I’ll go search for it immediately! 😀

  3. i’v been thinking, wouldnt’t the icons from the lost and damned theme look sweet with the battle royale theme?
    PS sympathy for mr.vengeance was epic! is that the best of them?
    PS have you seen Shutter, you probably have, but if you havnt, i found it to be one the best horros i’v seen, easily up there with halloween, excorcist, omen, texas chainsaw massacre (original of course)

  4. Really?

    Happy birthday toooo youuuuu…
    Happy birthday toooo youuuuu…
    Happy birthday dear Yogosaaaaan…
    Happy birthday toooo youuuuu!!! 😀 😀 😀

    (and the cake’s just for meeee… :P)

  5. guess who’s back, i’ll gt working on those themes after i have a colossal sleep, i’v been traveliing for 24 hours straight
    PS, happy birthday to me!

  6. i pesume he means the avatar, just go to, sign up, and use your current email to change it, easy as pie!

  7. Good, glad to be helpful!
    Don’t worry about the quality: at the beginning, no one is really good (it’s normal) and even I was nothing special when I started. Then, I refined my technique, I got a style and I improved.
    So, I’ll wait for your theme. 😀

    What do you mean “how do you change your photo”?

  8. Hello again Optimus
    I upload a theme =D, it’s not like yours, but it’s my 1st =D
    Thank you for helping =)

  9. Holy shit!
    I’ve a… sharp pain in left arm… accelerated heartbeat… blurred vision… my… my heart…
    No doubt… this is… a heart attack…!

  10. Oh and also, I’m not sure if I’m gonna finish off that flower theme, i kinda lost interest in it, and i still have no clue what I’m gonna do for the GT5 sub icons. all the icons there took quite a while to design and make, so these themes will probably take ages to complete

  11. and just so you know, those background images of the games are completely random, they most likely won’t end up in the finished product!

  12. Hello, Iagojacinto!
    Thanks for your appreciation! 😀
    First of all: welcome aboard!

    Ok, when creating a theme, you need to remember that all the icons are 128×128, except the following:

    1) “Author icon” (which identifies the creator of a theme) = 64×64
    2) “Notification” = 64×64
    3) “Photo default” and “Photo album” = 170×128
    4) “Video default” and “Video album” = 228×128
    5) “Game default” = 322×178
    6) “Game album” = 314×178
    7) All the cursors are 48×48

    There’s another thing you need to keep in mind: all the icons must be saved in a standard PNG format.
    In addition, if this can help you, I use “RealWorld Paint.COM” to make my icons: it’s a free program, very easy to use (although you obviously need a little practice the first times you use it, but nothing really complicated) and it has several professional features like transparencies, perspective transformations, lighting effects and many others which allow you to do everything you want. As I always say, the only limit is the imagination… 😀

    Ok, that’s all (I think…)
    Sorry if I’m replying so late (you know, my job and other stuff like that…) and sorry if I’m not sending you an email (I always prefer to talk/reply in my themes’ space, instead of giving my email address: it’s a long story…)
    However, I hope you’ll read this. And I hope it will be useful to start creating your themes.

    Good luck!
    And… welcome aboard again! 😀

    P.S. If you have problems with something, let me know.

  13. Hello Optimus.
    First of all, nice Ps3 themes you made. OK…now I think you know what’s comming…
    I was watching some of your work, and realized I could make some (not so nice like yours) Ps3-Themes…Now, the problem is…I need some icons and the builder says I need an icon 64×64 and 128×128 >.<' ….Could you help me saying how/what you use/do to get some icons? or make them…
    I'm kinda new to this site, and I don't know if I'm going to now when you reply to this message, so here's my E-mail
    Thank you for your time, and sorry for my mistakes.

  14. nothing wrong i thought was the only one i thought had that effect ….my bad its still really nice though

  15. Yep: every decent program has those effects, but you also have to know how to use them well (I mean all the parameters of inclination, reflection, perspective, rotation, etc) to get the right result in both HD and SD. It’s a hard work. So, if you like this theme, well… it means that I’ve done a good work.
    Everyone use programs like Photoshop, Gimp, Paint and so on to make their own backgrounds… so, I don’t understand what you mean with that statement.

  16. Awesome job OPTIMUS !!! i luvi the effect i can c it i know that took alot of time & work (cussing!) i appreciate the themes they look bad a** on my 46′ samsung no doubt

  17. Thanks guys!
    Well, you’re right 😛 : in fact, I’m currently working on a project (something strange) that I started time ago, but I think it will take more time to finish 🙁
    So, stay tuned…

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