Theme by Faxtron
Ps3 Colored Bubbles Animated theme with original sounds. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings – Background – Brightness – I recommend -2 or -3.
As always is a free theme
Enjoy !
Download Here
+1 , = ) man this theme is awesome tbh i really like it. anyways keep up the good work.
Very Nice Theme
Put this in.dynamic
Infinite Thanks faxtron you are awsome, i’ll practice a lot to create my own dynamic theme, for the credits dont worry, because you did all the work end the credits are yours.
Ok I uploaded the theme today with you’re credits. The theme will be uploaded here in a few days. I will upload here in direct download the final P3t and the files needed so you can see what are the problems that would not let you build/compile the final p3t. The problem with the theme was the icons files that do not have all the files needed for complete the compilation and the anim_1 have an error that went the theme is installed in the PS3 only start the first frame and then stop the animation but this error is already fixed. For the error of the anim_1 I added a directory in the files folder so you can use those files “xml and js” for 34 frames and for102 frames. In the folder you can find a xml file for custom sound and other for original sound. Those xmls are for create the .p3t with p3tcompiler.exe not for the raf_compiler.exe used for create the anim_1. And finally I added another folder with all the files icons,anim_1, and others needed for the correct compilation. So take a moment to look those files and make practice with those files and you can see that in a few hours you can create you’re second animated theme. Hope you understand what I say.
Download files here :
Password : faxtron_ps3-themes
I love the themes based on the backgrounds of PC “Dreamscene” (L)
Please create a beatiful dynamic theme DMC 4 with trailer
nice theme faxtron, like alwais.
here are the Anim_1.jpg and the dds files, in case that you need them.
Thanks a lot for your help.
good theme keep up the work
yo if somebody can make a sims 3 animated/dynamic theme i’d be greatful cuz my friend loves that game and he wants a theme of it doesn’t have to be perfect just well done to shut him up thanx to who ever will do it
Thanks ! I want to see one animated/dynamic theme created by you in future..You are one of the best theme makers here in my opinion…
@shinigami and @MDX2
I create a video tutorial how to doi it. See the video tutorial here : as you can see its not hard to do, so give it a try and you will see that in a few hours you can make your own animated/dynamic themes.
@ Faxtron Can u help me i really want to make dynamic animated themes but im stuck with Heavy rain themes…
Please help me i have alot of ideas to make themes from videos or custom animations also.
Thank you.
Looool! Veeery nice theme, mate!
Don’t know why, but… for some reason it reminds me of the good old Bubble Bobble (uhm… maybe the bubbles? :P)
Thanks bro here is the fixed version using the notification bubble form the theme created by OPTIMUS : “shining stars”… Here is the download : sorry for the delay !
faxton, i would like to know what program you use to make animated themes, i have alot of ideas with no direction
any help is appreciated
hey faxtrom! check out the message bubble in OPTIMUS’s “shining stars” theme. looks like it might fit if you wer interested in changing it..
Nice work! Daaaaaayum! Keep at it! Hahahaha! X)
Thanks for the observation and recomendation about the notification bubble and the ideas bro ! let see what I can do
i have a few ideas, not necessarily ‘requests’ more like ideas.. i have yet to see a marijuana theme in slideshow style , a matrix code slideshow, a call of duty zombie slideshow tribute deticated to Elaina Seigman “the girl that sings the songs in zombies”, an atari slideshow deticated to optimus….. id like to see something “brutal” for halloween.. everyone does the pumpkin thing, id like to see something like oldschool halloween, like horror movies from the 80’s.. like i said,, these are just ideas. just for inspiration. see what kind of ideas you can pull from these..
i like this, good theme! the notification bubble is too bright tho, the light grey makes it hard to see your pop up messages while your on websites that have a white back drop,,, im not trying to be a dik, just bringing it to your attention…. i love these kind of themes that are not about a particular game, just abstract.. id love to see more. thank you..