OOOOH! Finalmente! Fino ad ora ero l’unico in questo sito…!
Comunque… better if we continue to speak in English: you know, it’s a question of fairness to other users and those who “host” us.
Well, nice to meet you!
Fantastic theme brother!
Yes i’m italian
This looks great! 5 Stars!
Really nice work!
Sorry for my curiosity, but… are you Italian?
This is really nice
Good! I’ll wait!
Thanks guy,other works will come soon!
Stone Arcobaleno Theme and Rock Ruine Theme 2.0
OOOOH! Finalmente!
Fino ad ora ero l’unico in questo sito…!
Comunque… better if we continue to speak in English: you know, it’s a question of fairness to other users and those who “host” us.
Well, nice to meet you!
Fantastic theme brother!
Yes i’m italian
This looks great! 5 Stars!
Really nice work!
Sorry for my curiosity, but… are you Italian?