Theme by charli_el_
An animated theme that contains 74 frames.
The background is taken from a YouTube video that didn’t have much quality, so this theme is designed for use in TVs with a few inches, otherwise it will look very pixelated.
The icons are taken from the theme “Ultimate Green Neon” and “Green Lantern” (with missing icons created by me)
(Information of the theme in Spanish, English and French)
Download Here
@CharlyXero: Uh! It’s so relaxing and hypnotic…
Good job, mate and… a “liquid” +1! 😀
+1. I like the icons too.
In my TV looked pixelated (42”), but maybe because I was very near to it XD
Also got one with the original color (blue) but I uploaded it later.
Thanks to all!!
Mmmmmmmm psunami plugin but still nice.
What are you talking about? I have a HD TV and it LOOKS HD plus the animation loops great you cant tell at all that it is repeating GOOD job I love red one but this is my favorite color.