Art/Graphics Desk January 28, 2011 Theme by abbas salih just one hd and sd background and the normal icons i , think it’s worth to share , hope you like it . Download Here
thanks . I am planning to connect my ps3 to the internet so could i have you two as friends ? I have no one to talk to about ps3 stuff .
i already upload another one , and it comes with ( after downloading service ) .
c man , every1 like ur theme, WE WANT MORE THEMES XD,
I like it. Nice job man! Keep it up!
nice one dude .
yes u can , when u connect your ps3 , add me (dead_ng), im waiting ok , buddy XD
thanks . I am planning to connect my ps3 to the internet so could i have you two as friends ? I have no one to talk to about ps3 stuff .
preaty good nice job
nice 1 man , i like the gow3 picture, keep it coming, yuor friend dead_ng
I don’t think it’s a new idea but till i have one i give you this .