Theme by Triplezim
-Multiple backgrounds: Features 4 crisp HD & SD wallpapers
-Icons: Made with some sick icons by – Mattahan (BUUF Icons)
If you like this theme and really want to polish it off I uploaded some USER ICONS available here:
And if you just want to use one of the wallpapers in particular they are available here:
Definitely worth checking out.
(the more the merrier) psn id: ZAXELBRAXEL
Download Here
Nice! I think the icons are from Buuf
(an iphone theme)
@TRIPLEZIM: Good theme, mate: very nice and original, and I really like the icons!
You did a great job! +1
Hey thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. I’m glad you mentioned the icons mrj QQQ as I should’ve used a better preview pic.
Brilliant!……great work. Icons are fantastic, and complete too. Glad you didn’t cheap out with just a home row. This one is a keeper.
Cool theme bro