Theme by skybluearmy
My first theme, not quite as gangsta and glossy as the majority, just a bit of fun!
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by skybluearmy
My first theme, not quite as gangsta and glossy as the majority, just a bit of fun!
Download Here
I just finished implementing your icons (got lot to do right now…).
I decided not to upload it as an extra theme, because its just my backgrounds with your icons… you did the great work. But maybe you like it or wanna try:
but yeh go ahead
the icons are slightly diff than this preview tho, got rid of some of the crappier ones ie. the xmb photo icon
not at all, go ahead, i done 2 more themes should be up here soon
Really Great work!
Nice idea, well done! I really fancy the Icons!
Would you mind me using them?