39 thoughts on “Hypnotic Eye

  1. it would probably be alot easyer if you add my LLLL_DooM_LLLL account. but if ya dont want to ill try the site.

  2. @ doom yeah man i agree its was just a silly thing that happened, and it was blown way out of proportion , i just wanted it over ages ago and i am sorry for my BEHAVEIER , but upset i was, and moved on i have lol , yoda ps you can use photobucket too as well as imageshack id like to see those designs my self lol , i made one just recently , with a mini glass jack daniels bottle as front chamber attached with a glass pipe connector to a full size jd bottle as the main pipe i used a die grinderhttp://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=die+grinder&_sacat=0&_from=R40 it cuts the glass wicked for grommet and stem access total cost of $8 AU for grommets and stems of coarse the die grinder is needed but they are cheap as !! my next effort, galliano sambuca bottle …. also i found this u.s.a tv show last night lol its funny/mouth watering take a look if your interested

  3. thank you for the complement faxtron, i do plan on doing themes.. i just havent gotten around to it, i want to start soon,

    im gonna try to use that site

  4. @doom

    Man reading your message I saw that you have a good imagination and are very creative. You can be a good theme meker if you want to make themes in the future. Those ideas for those pipes are truly amazing and told me that you are very, very creative as I said. I’m still curious to see those creations in a pictures. You can use “imageshack” to upload pictures of your works.

  5. @faxtron ill hafta know how to show you the pics,
    actually i just made a mini bong lastnight, i wanted something the size of my pipe but with a bubble chamber, i cant afford to go to the local pipe shop and drop $35+ on what i want, im having a hard enuff time affording my medicine.. so i research how the expensive stuff is made and make it out of stuff laying around the house, my theory is its only as strong as its weakest part, so i used ultra strong super glue to sod all of the permanent fixed joints to fuse the plastic and hoses together, in doing so it is like a store bought piece. if it was made of glass it would be worth hundreds of dollars,, lol.

    so i wanted to make a new piece that doesn’t burn all my medicine away too quickly like the monster a** triforce.. lol. so i decided to construct a mini bong, i had a plastic mini bottle of Jack daniel’s laying around and turned it into a “sherlock” style water pipe, its so small u can actually fit it in your pocket comfortabley.. the nut on the fixed stem allows inner changeable bowl sizes, i went out and bought a $2 bowl piece thats the size of my fingernail on my pinky and screwed it into the nut perfectly! i cut a screen to fit inside the nut so it doesn’t take up room inside the bowl piece its self, took some extra tubing i had left over from the triforce to use as a mouth piece, the tube was too thin so i used a thick rubber finger grip off of a pen as a gasket around the tube to fit it perfectly corked. i cut the top off of the bottle cap and screwed it back on the threads to give it the apearence that the little bottle still has the cap on it,, lol. its ADORABLE! LOL. the mini jack’ single shot one hitter, 🙂

  6. @audio, yeah man lol! i hope this drama with everyone blows over, to everyone involved with the fight, is it really worth it? the end result wont be anything positive.. so whats the point? im not taking sides with anyone whatsoever, im speaking as part of the online community that comes here to download the most amazing themes on the planet.. you are all great and to fight about all this crap is not worth the time and energy.. cant we all just get along!? lol

  7. doom:

    @ultramagnetic, actually i have a small glass piece for the good stuff, i mainly use the triforce for regular stuff or rezin, since it burns everything to death so fast putting good stuff in there would be a waste, however when it comes down to filtration its a monster… so harsh stuff or rezins become ‘purified’.
    way WAY smoother. and i get the desired effect because its sutch a power hitter. kinda like ‘doc brown’s’ “mr fusion” it eats trash and turns it to fuel..

    He,he,he,he I’m very, very curious to see the triforce in a pic.

  8. doom:

    @Faxtron, OMG!!!! how can i have missed it!?
    you made it exactly how i was thinking of it!
    this whole time i thought you ignored me because i didnt see it here…
    im sorry faxtron, its perfect…. WOW dude
    im sorry i doubted you.
    you took the idea right out of my head and made it real.. my mind is blown, lol.

    Nice to know that you like it. BTW : Thanks for the idea.

  9. @doom – LOL at the back to the future reference. That’s actually prdtty cool – nothing goes to waste, haha.

  10. @ultramagnetic, actually i have a small glass piece for the good stuff, i mainly use the triforce for regular stuff or rezin, since it burns everything to death so fast putting good stuff in there would be a waste, however when it comes down to filtration its a monster… so harsh stuff or rezins become ‘purified’.
    way WAY smoother. and i get the desired effect because its sutch a power hitter. kinda like ‘doc brown’s’ “mr fusion” it eats trash and turns it to fuel..

  11. @Faxtron, OMG!!!! how can i have missed it!?
    you made it exactly how i was thinking of it!
    this whole time i thought you ignored me because i didnt see it here…
    im sorry faxtron, its perfect…. WOW dude
    im sorry i doubted you.
    you took the idea right out of my head and made it real.. my mind is blown, lol.

  12. Yamikonnup:

    Hey Faxtron, could you make a dynamic Dragonball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi theme specifically based on the intro cutscene? That’d be delightful; also nice theme you got here.

    Sorry my friend I don’t have time to take more request right now but you can ask in the forum in the section “Theme Requests”. If you have luck someone may create it for you.

  13. theoktopus:

    hands down this is the coolest theme ive seen in months, looks like the mishka logo. also if theres a possibility of making this theme in red.

    I can make it in red give me time I will try to do it.

  14. GlowBall:

    nice theme man but cus the eyeball’s bone aniamtion belongs to Sony dev daigo and you didn’t give credit for that so it has to be -1 from me sorry

    Well man thanks for your veredict and as you know this theme use the method to add dynamic elements inside of a theme without writing it in a PSJS. I have a few ones created using this method. That will be my next tutorial : “how to create dynamic elements using 3D programs and add those element to a theme without a script”. Using bones that is possible and is easy to do as you know. I will be doing this new tutorial if I can this week or the next week for all us here. And of course without “encrypt” any file so anyone here can modify or add any idea he want and learn from those files. This is the method I told you before to add dynamic element inside of a theme more easy.

  15. @everyone HELLO FRIENDS!!
    @faxtron, ill give you a thumbs up even tho u never did my bo1 zombie theme.
    @ultramagnetic, i totally see triforces rightnow lol.
    @glowball, your a bully 4 the thumbs down / jk.
    @audio, that hat is pimp!!
    @optimus, megatron sucks!! F*** the deceptacons!! ROLL OUT!! lol.

  16. nice theme man 🙂 but cus the eyeball’s bone aniamtion belongs to Sony dev daigo and you didn’t give credit for that so it has to be -1 from me sorry

  17. hands down this is the coolest theme ive seen in months, looks like the mishka logo. also if theres a possibility of making this theme in red.

  18. Lol, thanks guys and gals. Yeah been taking a break, spending that tax money 😀 I just uploaded a Black Ops II Dynamic theme for my son and fixed my Wu-Tang Clan slideshow for my dudes at wu-tangcorp.com. I got more stuff coming. Waiting for Jaydee1003 to get at me for that Futurama collaboration too 🙂

  19. this is sick! although it gets me kind of dizzy :/ but its still awesome lol +1 .. great to see everyone is back making themes on this site!


    yoo im waiting on your next theme man whats going on you taking a break? lol

  20. Hey Faxtron, could you make a dynamic Dragonball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi theme specifically based on the intro cutscene? That’d be delightful; also nice theme you got here.

  21. @Faxtron & uLtRaMa6nEt1c

    => Faxtron: Holy crap! That’s freaking nice, my friend!
    Very well done, I really like it, as well as GoW theme: ++++++++1!!! 😀

    => uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Thanks for your words, bro!
    But I totally agree with Faxtron… you too are one of the best here!
    And I’m waiting for some new theme 😉

  22. @Faxtron, Holy crap dude, Thanks a million for those words, lol. You’ve contributed way more to this site than I have, so it’s awesome to get that praise from one of the top guys. 😀

  23. @uLtRaMa6nEt1c

    What do you say bro ? You are one of the best dynamic theme maker on this site and one of my inspiration here since I started in this here. I remember the day I saw for the first time the theme that you create for Killzone and I said to me…… Waooo I have to learn how to do this. This look so awesome. Always that you release a theme for sure that theme will be on top with much views because you create very good themes in this site. Thanks for your veredict it’s very important for me always to knows how a pro view my work.

  24. Hahahaaa. I like this. You’re doing a lot of truly dynamic stuff.
    It must be Veteran’s Day on this site. You, GlowBall, OPTIMUS. I’m glad I didn’t post anything. I wouldn’t have gotten any looks, LOL 😀
    Good stuff man +1

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