Theme by Yogosan
The background of the website looks quite cool. So i made a theme of it! There is a second background without PSU written in the corner, because theres always one guy who wants it there way :p So thats 2 HD & SD ,custom icons, enjoy
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Ratchet & Clank Future A Crack in Time
??? o_O ??? Are you talking about the football match…???
anybody see the Ireland v France game, I’m furious, Ireland had it, i hate you Henry, and Platini, and the linesman
Good choice! And don’t forget assassin creed 2 (tomorrow I’ll immediately buy it).
I’m anxiously awaiting them all, especially Gran Turismo: I’m a big fan of the series since its debut on ps1.
Too bad that all these titles will be ready only next year…
i sure did. all those games im sure I’ll keep forever
Yep, masterpieces take time: I don’t think that Leonardo drew the Mona Lisa in just two days…

About Heavy Rain and co.: did you read the “menu” that I prepared for you in my Anticipated Christmas theme…?
if you saw my heavy rain icons. way over the top for a ps3 theme
i seem to get a new project in full swing every time i turn on my computer. but the results are amazing (i think)it’s just gonna take a while before I’m finished all of them. the better my icons get, the longer it will take, but thats not such a bad thing
Ooops! The volcano is in full eruption again…
And what about your Uncharted 2 theme?
iv got a bunch of themes on the back burner again, so many ideas, so little time. i want to make all the icons in a theme the same, not just fancy home row icons, but they take so long, especially my newest themes. for most, i think i will take an element of a game or something and put it in the homerow and another easier element in the others. like my god of war theme for example
ya about a week ago. i don’t mind too much, who really has the time to keep track of a site every week, especially since it’s been around about 3 years
Hey Yogosan, can I ask you something? Wich day you uploaded this theme? I ask ’cause I uploaded a theme 1 week ago, but nothing. It seems to me that the update times are stretching too much…
Thanks for sharing.
Great work again, Yogosan! And again… and again… and again…
the background probably looks sweet on a 1080p tv, i hope so anyway