PS3 Dynamic Globe

Theme by RoBeast

Dynamic theme I created using After Effects and Trapcode Form. Theme is 1280×720 and includes a seemless loop.
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21 thoughts on “PS3 Dynamic Globe

  1. The globe is one of the coolest themes on here. Mad props on your work. You could re-color this so many different ways. I’d love to have one done as a negative. Light background and the globe in black, silver, and a deep neon blue. Or maybe a gold, chrome, and white globe with a dark gold background. The possibilities really are endless. Again, awesome work.

  2. great theme, Is there a way of making XMB writing clear or disappear if control isn’t touched then return when the DS3 is used would look better, if possible thanks again for this awesome theme.

  3. Wow! Thanks Jamz!

    @Lisa and Jamz, I’m currently in the process of completing/uploading two themes. However, due to the popularity of this theme, I will make a couple alternates. I will definitely keep your requests in mind when working on them.

  4. do you do colors requests? how about a girl ver of this theme?


    @ Lisa
    I don’t mind criticism. Im pretty critical myself as you may have noticed.
    The idea of this theme was to recreate factory Sony/ps3 xmb menu, thus the wavy lines. It evolved from there (4th version) and i went a different direction with the globe. Anyway, the ps3 logo persevered. I may upload the 3rd version as i liked it almost as well and do something different with the logo.

  5. this has to be the best them on the site by far!!! mad props RoBeast!!! would love to see a blue one? 🙂

  6. RoBeast:

    Thanks for the props Doom, Optimus.
    @ Radz
    Are you refering to my youtube previews? I just use After Effects. A video editor would probably do better like Premier Pro or like LoneWolf suggested Vegas Pro, but AA serves me well enough.
    I import my rendered 3 second clip then duplicate it X amount of times. Line up the layers so the clips match up w/o overlap or gaps. Use a high frame rate (could be where you’re getting lag?) so you dont lose frames on your render. I lose a bit of clarity or resolution from the original but its still better than filming my TV.

    M8 check your pm.

  7. @ Lisa
    I don’t mind criticism. Im pretty critical myself as you may have noticed.

    The idea of this theme was to recreate factory Sony/ps3 xmb menu, thus the wavy lines. It evolved from there (4th version) and i went a different direction with the globe. Anyway, the ps3 logo persevered. 🙂 I may upload the 3rd version as i liked it almost as well and do something different with the logo.

  8. Thanks for the props Doom, Optimus.

    @ Radz

    Are you refering to my youtube previews? I just use After Effects. A video editor would probably do better like Premier Pro or like LoneWolf suggested Vegas Pro, but AA serves me well enough.

    I import my rendered 3 second clip then duplicate it X amount of times. Line up the layers so the clips match up w/o overlap or gaps. Use a high frame rate (could be where you’re getting lag?) so you dont lose frames on your render. I lose a bit of clarity or resolution from the original but its still better than filming my TV. 🙂

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