Theme by Faxtron
PS3-THEMES Tribute Animated v2 with Custom Icons created by TonyMontana880 and custom sounds extracted from psn dynamic created by Glowball. For the best experience possible use on this theme the backgrounds brightness in normal. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — “Normal”. Like always for free
I recomend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with difetents brightness settings.
Download Here
@RoBeast lol you are right you create the theme with the site theme colors and in a few days later the site color change it
D’oh !
Its all a conspiracy I tell ya! Just finished my ps3-themes theme. I used the rainbow colored bg as the main focus for it and now they go and change. lol
thanks for the info FaxTron the website from that video works… it don’t have much and some videos wont play but i got a few..
@FURY Sorry but I don’t know were you can get directly music videos with the ps3 browser to your PS3. Anyway check this video it can help you with you want
hey FaxTron… this question has nothing to do with PS3 Themes but i figured you might have an answer… im trying to find a website where i can download free music videos to my PS3 using the PS3 internet browser… i need one that i can download the videos from the ps3 internet browser because i don’t have a computer to convert the files.. any information would be greatly appreciated
The clan name is DAMAGE_Inc. and the tag is DMGi. It would be much appreciated.
Thats if u can find the time
Could one of u guys make me a theme for my MW3 clan?
I might do that Fax my man. I have 3 themes near ready for upload (I’m picky and keep tinkering) and 1 about 80% done. After those I was thinking of doing a couple requests. Maybe I’ll do another version of this theme first.
@FAXTRON: Hmm… I think it’s because I uploaded that theme about 1 year ago, before you joined this site.
Well, the theme’s title is quite long and it’s hard to find… so, you just need to type “once you’ve started” in the search bar on the upper right side of the page
@RoBeast Thanks. But create your version to saw it and give to the ps3 comunity one more theme about the PS3-theme site.
BTW : Your last theme Twisted Metal is awesome.
@OPTIMUS He,he,he,…
Thanks. You know I never saw you theme about this site but I will search for it right now.
LOL! I had an idea to make a ps3-themes theme the other day. Nice job!
Yeah! Great job on both themes, my friend!
Time ago, I too have made a tribute theme for this site…
Watch out though: this way we run the risk of spoiling the owner like a baby…
this llike SR3 ?