Theme by OPTIMUS

Here’s your theme, mate!
It took me a while, but… I did it!
I wasn’t sure about the color you asked for, and when I asked you if you meant the turquoise like, for example, the Richard Petty’s Pontiac Grand Prix, you never replied…

Anyway, that’s exactly the car from which I took inspiration to make the theme: aside the color, I didn’t change anything compared to the original theme I made, but… as you can see, below the PS3 logo I only put 2 stripes (white and orange) that remind of the STP sponsor which is on the Richard Petty’s Pontiac.

-1 handmade HD/SD background
-Handmade icons
-No sounds

Hope you like it!
Download Here

30 thoughts on “TECH-TURQUOISE for Dark-Rev

  1. @tigerman1983: Hi there! You’re lucky, mate, given that it’s now quite some time I’m not checking my old themes 😛
    Really glad you liked this theme!
    Well, currently I’m working on a particular theme which is requiring a lot of time… anyway, once it’s finished, I’ll see what I can do 🙂
    By the way: Are you 100% sure you want a white one?
    I mean, it’s always hard to read things with that color behind, so I guess the only way would be to make a “negative” version of the original theme (with some modifies)… O_o

  2. Hey, If you read this anymore. could you possibly make a white one. I’ve been looking for a really nice white one. I like your icons and think a white one would be cool.

  3. Penningstoned420:

    Yea. I realize that he’s not a friend, He was my friend.. but not anymore. I got good friends it’s just this friend specifically was mentally ill, and could not control his actions that great, because of the disorder of his brain. He also has anger issues if that wasn’t obvious to you LOL 😛

  4. @ UltraMagnetic:

    I live in a foreign country, seriously. So I really can’t do that where I live, because there is no trading shops here. I live in the third most poorest country in the world so there’s not much common american stores etc, here. if there was, I would lol.

  5. @ OPTIMUS:

    Well, he was my friend… until he threw my ps3 into the ocean. He threw it in the ocean cuz I broke his ps3 controller, and then he got mad & took my ps3 (which I brought over to his house cuz his was currently being fixed of a YLOD) then said “Fuck You!” and tossed it directly into the ocean. How childish. But after that, I ran back to his house, took his controller, his ps3 cables & all of his ps3 games, put them all in a bag and tossed that shit over the side of a cliff into the ocean. sadly he won’t buy me a new one, and now I gotta work to pay for a new one. so now I gotta work night shifts to get extra cash to buy a new one which won’t leave me much time for ps3 themes 🙁 . anyways, I couldn’t really hurt the so called friend, cuz he’s mentally ill and I’d seem like a douche bag picking on retarded guys. but anyways he got a taste of his own medicine. Thanks guys for the support to I appreciate the concern. Just an Idea, but what if I could could make a donation page for myself so that I could raise enough money to buy a new one?? would you guys help me out with just like a 10 $ donation?

  6. @Truth_Wanted, uLtRaMa6nEt1c, Penningstoned420 & vampcreator

    => Truth_Wanted: Oh man, that’s absurd…
    You know, I’ve never judged anyone for his actions (usually there’s always a reason behind) but in this case, I really think only an idiot would do such a thing!
    Also, as leader of the Autobots, I always said that “freedom is the right of all sentient beings”, but again, in this case I think you should shut that guy in a cage, destroy the key and then throw him in the ocean as he did with your PS3!
    And I fully agree with Penning and Ultra: a REAL friend would never do that… You’d better look for a new one. And you should make him pay for the damage, so that you could buy a new PS3!

    Anyway, I’m really glad to know you decided to stay. I’ll be waiting for new themes! 😀

    => uLtRaMa6nEt1c & Penningstoned420: Thanks alot, guys!
    And yeah, you’re right: I too prefer the original one (it was the only version I had in mind) but it’s been so appreciated – and it surprised me much – that everyone started asking for new colors and I couldn’t disappoint my fans, of course… 😉
    [Hey, Penning! Really glad to hear you again! 😀 ]

    => Vampcreator: Thanks, mate! Well, I’m working on some simple stuff at the moment…

  7. Truth_Wanted- That guy is literally not your “friend”!! “Friends” wouldn’t do that. You need new friends bro.

  8. uLtRaMa6nEt1c:

    I agree with Penningstoned420. I like the original the best

    Thanks. OPTIMUS Always does great work. One of the best ever. No joke, dude nails it every time.

  9. @Truth_Wanted
    Yo, your friend is a douche. Maybe there was a good reason for it idk, lol.
    All is not lost. Maybe you have some stuff you can trade in toward the purchase of a used PS3.
    Anyway, you did a good job with your themes. Don’t give up.
    As far as ideas – make whatever interests YOU. More than likely many people here will share the same interest. 🙂

  10. @ OPTIMUS

    Alright, I’ll stay.. I’m just sad It got thrown away. and I didn’t throw it in the ocean, my friend did. I currently do not have the extra money to buy a new one… unlike you.. But I won’t leave, because of your inspiration for me to keep going! your a good friend and I’d be a total douche bag to leave you my friend, and not to mention I enjoy making themes for people.. so I will stay! I haven’t been making any themes lately, but I’d like to! Got any ideas on what theme I should make?

  11. @Truth_Wanted: Oh, I’m sorry, that’s really sad… 🙁

    But come on, my friend… I perfectly understand that your mood is drastically down (although I don’t understand why you threw your PS3 in the ocean) but… you see, time ago I too have lost my dear PS3 (bought at day 1) which died after 6 years of honorable service, and it’s been a tragedy for me (I even made a theme for that)
    But I kept making themes anyway, until I’ve been able to buy another one, so… no need to quit, my friend: just stay with us and share your passion.
    It would be very sad to lose another friend 🙁

  12. @ OPTIMUS

    Hello My friend. I’d like to say, Thank You! I have been more than grateful for all your help teaching me how to design themes etc,.,. I Will dearly miss you aswell as lonewolf, ultramagnetic, etc.. for I am choosing to quit making themes, due to the fact I no longer have a ps3. my friend threw it in the ocean (Literally) and it is now at the bottom of the FCKING OCEAN! FCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:((((. good day, and thanks for being a good pal to me I officially quit 🙁 good bye and OPTIMUS I enjoyed being your friend, I never really had a good friend like you I really do appreciate you for all you’ve done bro. I hope you’ll understand why i’m quiting. bye :'(

  13. OPTIMUS I like the original one the best!!

    DOOM- The green always helps everything!!!

    See you guys in a month or two, LOL

  14. @Doom: I see, mate… and I sincerely wish you all the best, hoping you’ll manage to sort things out!
    Take care, my friend. And stay tuned 😉

  15. yeah, but this anxiety thing has gotten to the point where i can be calm and relaxed one second ant the next second something just flashes in my mind so fast that i dont realise it happened.. like out of nowhere, for no apparent reason. witch makes me think alot of it is my self esteem, im not the kind of guy that goes around telling people that i hate myself for my failures in life, but i feel that way sometimes, i know i should be doing way better than im doing now and i think the only cure is to dig myself out of this situation that i put myself in. thats where the time comes into play. its beyond control at the moment. but im definitely working at it. your a good dude optimus..

  16. @Doom: I understand, my friend, and I have to say there’s a thing you said which is absolutely right and true… facing fears is the best thing to do.

    I know it’s hard and requires time, but I think you should try to learn doing it: think that I’m so used to face my fears that when they told me I was dying, it hasn’t had any effect on me. I had to deal with death a lot of times and I always won… but when I realized that this time the death was determined to take revenge without leaving me a way out, I started facing the situation by simply accepting it 😉

  17. yeah i know what you mean, just about completely.. i think the best way to conquer the anxiety is to emotionally eliminate it through facing fears and beating these obstacles one by one, however my circumstances are that for the time being theres no end in sight at the moment, in my experience over the years of dealing with this is that thc changes my thought pattern from extreme stress to calm and productive, focused, forgiving, ect. i really dont think my decision making skills are effected in any negative way whatsoever. infact i think it effects my decision making skills positively. in a way where i try to problem solve and try to come up with solutions more frequently. im not saying its for everyone but when theres pharmaceuticals for depression that have side effects including suicide it kinda makes me wanna stay away from stuff like that.. lol. as far as my breathing goes, thc clears it up almost instantly which is why i compared it to n asthma inhaler. its weird, i feel like im walking proof of its medicinal capabilities. but its not a cure, only temporary relief. so if im thinking positively and feeling better overall for it, why the hell not?

  18. @Doom & mrj qqq

    => mrj qqq: Yep, I thought so, mate.
    I was just doing a bit of irony because, as I said to Doom, honestly I got tired of this theme… 😀

    => Doom: I can understand you, my friend! I too had to deal with my grandma veeery long ago, since I was the only grandson who cared about her, and I can confirm it was really hard: I always wondered why all grandmothers are like that, but I think it’s only because unfortunately, old age plays tricks…

    As for you… man, I’m sorry to hear that!
    Anxiety (along with everything that goes with it) is a very bad thing which messes up everything for real!
    BUT, my friend, I honestly think the “green stuff” is not the most suitable thing for your ailment… 🙁

  19. ive bin having some anxiety lately, so many things on my mind, taking care of my grandmother is tuff because she was scornful more than nice to begin with.. she has the ability to get you to argue without you even noticing that your doing it, every day shes trying to fight n im like just trying to eat dinner n all hell breaks loose because she thinks im stealing from her or something equally morbid. i get like heart palpatations and i have trouble breathing because this is only one of many personal obsticles i face on a constant basis. i usually feel fine after i take my medicine but i ran out like a week ago and now i feel like crap again. i require benzo’s or thc,, i despise pills and i have no medical coverage and im broke.. its really hardcore, id cut my pinky finger off like the god damn yakuza just to find a respectable salesmen of the green stuff. to put it in a way that is quite similar to my delema, its like i have asthma and weed is my inhaler. only i cant find the pharmacy. when the attacks get really bad my whole body goes numb like how it feels when your foot falls asleep ‘pins & needles’ feeling, all over my body.. even in my face… sometimes i throw up. my heart beats so hard that you can see it through my shirt, sometimes it can make my whole body rock back n forth like im on a ship in the ocean. ….i think my internal organs might rip themselves apart because of my mind. just a passing thought …one of many.

  20. Just wanted to add to my original comment . This is a great theme just with extract and an image manipulation progrm one could make any colour one wanted. Cheers

  21. @DOOM & Dark-Rev

    => Dark-Rev: Don’t worry, mate, I can understand: as leader of the Autobots, mine is always a military life, after all… LOL!
    The important is you’ve got your theme (and I hope you like it): I uploaded it on January 22, but it was put on the site only the other day… in this case, the delay has been favorable 😀

    => DOOM: Hey, my friend! Where have you been? Everything ok?

    Thanks a lot, mate! Yeah, it would be nice, but honestly I got tired of this theme.
    Now, since I didn’t get other requests (and so I have a little more time) I’m working on something simple, but at the same time I got back to work on a theme I started even more than 1 year ago.
    By the way: before this theme, I uploaded another one dedicated to this site.
    The name is “A New Year with PS3-Themes”.
    Go check it out if you want, you might like it 😉

  22. nice theme optimus! i likes it, yeah that would be cool if you could make it like a color fader where the colors keep slowly blending and switching like those modded controllers with the color faders in them

    i really want to learn how to do this stuff myself but im always so bizzy…

  23. You got it right on the money. Sorry about never replying. Military Life can pull you off the loop sometimes. Thank you very much!

  24. @mrj qqq & xdarkgeox

    => mrj qqq: LOL! Don’t worry, mate, this is the last color I’ve been requested… 😉

    => xdarkgeox: Thanks, mate, really glad you like them [but I obviously prefer the original one (TECH-BLACK)] 😀
    Yep, the multiple colors would be nice, but honestly I’m tired of making them…
    Anyway, if interested, some of my friends could make a dynamic/animated or slideshow version with all the colors 😉

  25. great theme i liked all your TECH themes you should make 1 with multiple colors from your previous color schemes from your tech collection just a suggestion anyways keep up the good work

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