Train Animated

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Train Animated with custom icons and original sounds. For the best experience possible use on this theme the background brightness -2. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — “-2?. Like always for free I recomend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with different brightness settings.

Enjoy 🙂
Download Here


28 thoughts on “Train Animated

  1. @FAXTRON: Great job on both themes, my friend! +1!

    But it’s really sad for me to know they’re your last ones… 🙁

  2. Great work. Something I’d expect to see published on the PSN Store. Though this is even better than most of those. I wish I had a pc capable to create such themes, instead of a netbook.

    @moaning git:
    That’s just the sign of a good developer/publisher. We cannot forget those who are unfamiliar with these features.

  3. it’s a sweet theme, but your players met icon is switched with the chatroom icon. Unless that was intentional?

  4. u made us nyers proud 🙂 amazing theme and was hoping someone would do a subway theme 😀 gotta do more themes like this . cant wait for ur next artwork 🙂

    beautiful work.

  5. Wow nice work, i like the atmosphere of this theme^^ thanks +1 oh btw i like the icons too, it looks like a jello

  6. @lisa No you can’t enter online with a CFW console. The only way you can do that is using the E3 flasher and make a dualboot console with it. With that you can have CFW 3.55 and OFW 4.21 on the same console, with this you can go online changing/switching from CFW to OFW.

  7. @lisa BTW : if you find the process for the downgrade complex would be desirable you to buy another ps3 on ebay for example with OFW 3.41 or 3.55.

  8. @lisa Depends on the model because not all can. For example :

    1. You need a PS3 that have minimum 3.41 or 3.55.
    2. If not and you have one updated to the last firmware or higher than 3.55 for example in 3.56+ you need a flasher (E3 Flasher or Progskeet) to do it.
    3. Not all the consoles are compatible because some PS3 bring from factory a firmaware higher than 3.55. Some PS3 came with 3.60+ and on this PS3 you can’t install a CFW, because no one so far has released a CFW higher than 3.56+. To know what is your minimal version on your PS3 you need a special PUP install that will tell you that info. Google is your friend.
    4. You can find only funcional CFWs for : 3.41,3.55 or 3.56 versions and to install it on your console you need a PS3 that came minimum with one of this versions preferably with 3.41, but if came with 3.55 or 3.56 you can install it too. For one PS3 that came with 3.56 you can only install JFW DH 3.56 on it but if came with 3.41 you can install the CFW you want on it. Even you can conver the console to emulate the DEX consloles right now.
    5. If you have a console on 3.56+ to 4.21 you need to open your console to install on it a hardware (flasher) that will help you to downgrade your console to a vulnerable firmware in this case 3.55 for example, because from version 3.56+ you can’t make a downgrade using only software tools. from thats versions you will need hardware + software tools to help you satisfactorily make the downgrade on your console.
    6. The prosess is not easy and you have to read much to understand all process to do it. So I recomend you to start reading if you want to do this on sites like : ps3hax,psx-scene,ps3crunch,ps3news and of course from

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