Theme by Faxtron
Vincent Van Gogh The Starry Night Animated. Icons made by : SoloSevens so all the credit for the icons to him.
For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3.This theme have an HD quality and like always for free
For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3.This theme have an HD quality and like always for free
Enjoy !
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Can anyone tell me where i can find a pack of PS3 icons for my theme and how to use them please?!
Thank you so much, mate!
(well, as I always said to everybody, “imagination is the only limit” ;)…)
But don’t worry: I spoke about those things just to tell you how I imagined would really have been the theme in my mind while I was drawing the background.
Actually, as you can see, the effects I told about like the halo around the moon and the brightness of the stars, are already there (the only thing is they’re static): so, I think there’s no need you waste your time trying to make those animations, my friend… I’m sure the animations of Atreyu and the rocks are more than enough to create a great theme
OPTIMUS thats ideas you have sounds good, you have a great imagination and a great talent to create themes. I will see what I can do. I will be working on it on this week and went complete the animation I will send you a video by email. So you can see the video and you can let me nkow if look the same that you imagine. Thanks a lot my friend for this gift
WOW! Hey, mate, you were very fast!
You know, the funny thing is fortunately I had already made the starry sky for the Kingdom Hearts theme: if I even had to create that sky from scratch, it would take 3 times as long to complete the background, and I really think our work would become a “never-ending theme”…
Well, actually my final vision was much more complex than that: as I said, there should have been many more elements and a lot of other animated things (like the clouds, other trees in the foreground, stars that light up alternately like Christmas lights, a shining halo that pulses around the moon, and many other stuff moving in the background) but I knew the animation work would have been immense, and much likely the theme’s file size would have been enormous. The background I created is just a fraction of what I really had in mind, and that’s one of the various reasons why I don’t make dynamic/animated themes: the ideas I’d like to create are too complicated to be realized with the currently available methods…

So, I decided to make it as rich as possible, but quite simple at the same time.
But despite all, I’m really glad you like it, mate (especially considering that today it’s your birthday)… it means a lot!
As for the theme, well… I imagined it was not possible to make a SD version, but I hoped it anyway. As I said, HD ones are totally cut off in the left and right sides: that means I’ll be able to see only half of the moon to the right side and only half of the Atreyu/Falkor animated image to the left side…
But don’t worry, my friend: the important thing is that at least I know it’ll be a great animated theme like the others you made, and one of the ideas I would really wanted to see realized some how
And once again… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Please,Can you make Dead Space 2 and Uncharted 3 Dynamic theme?
Your Dynamic themes are grest.
@OPTIMUS Thanks a lot my friend I saw the element you create backgrownd, rocks, for this theme are so beatiful a perfect work mate. I will continue contacting you by email regarding to this theme. Again thanks my friend you are a man of his words you tell me that you will do it and you did it, even more you create a master pice with this work like always and is more that I imagine. As I said this is the best gift for me today
Loool! Nice themes, mate!
By the way… Happy birthday, my friend! Check your inbox: I just sent you a surprise!
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