Theme by OPTIMUS

8 HD/SD backgrounds in different colors, handmade icons with “magic aura” effect: when PS3 changes the background, also change the color of the aura surrounding the icons. Hope you like it, enjoy!
Download Here
Ratchet & Clank Future A Crack in Time

20 thoughts on “WAVES

  1. JackmoveJohnny:

    THX! best theme on the site

    Oh well, actually I think this is one of my worst themes: the inspiration was not good enough…
    You should see my other themes (especially the latest ones) to know what I mean.
    But thanks a lot anyway, mate! 😀

    Ok, I have to finish some other requested themes first, but don’t worry: I’ll reupload this one as soon as possible… so, stay tuned! 😉

  2. Ok, hope to see it soon.
    You know, the other day I had the first game freeze since I bought the PS3: hope that nothing happens… 🙁 But I noticed that ejecting the disc, the PS3 comes back quickly to the XMB: I think it’s an emergency procedure added with fw 3.01…:D

  3. Great, we’ll must celebrate! And great, I’ll wait for both themes, especially Predator: I love that movie!
    Now that I think… what happened to the Battle Royale theme???

  4. when i get my new ps3. and good news, my MW2 theme AND more importantly my Predator theme have been submitted. the background for the predator theme is my best yet i would say . For HD display anyway. the SD one doesn’t have quite as much….flare

  5. I’m hoping to get it tomorrow, teachers are going on strike. if not tomorrow, friday, if not Friday, Sunday. and on, and on, and on.

  6. Got it! Hey, about killers… I bought Assassin’s Creed 2: programmers have done an incredible job! The feeling is strange, I mean, it seems that developers have concentrated all efforts on the reproduction of the italian cities where the game takes place (and I can confirm that everything is almost perfect) and this comes at the expense of the various characters that are composed of fewer polygons than the prequel (but very very detailed)…
    However the work is magnificent, you can do a lot of things and the game is really exciting! You MUST have it at any cost, so… how’s the “fundraising” for the PS3??? 😀

  7. So you found a way to test your themes: good! I suppose it will not take too long before I can see your latest creations.
    Tell me, where were you been? After Ireland-France game I thought you were going to kill someone… 😛

  8. nice theme, i had a chance to check out my mw2 theme on my friends ps3. looks very nice i think, good thing i waited though, it didn’t line-up at all. and i had to change some small stuff. but it looks good. but i think my predator, heavy rain, uncharted 2 and gran turismo themes look better. depends what your into i guess

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