Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c
Requested by Matt5star.
* 14 backgrounds.
* Constant zoom-in effect.
* 1st background is always random.
* 2 sounds – car starting (optionmenu), and car driving away (system_ok).
* Custom home row icons by me. All other icons taken from GlowBall’s Ferrari Dynamic Glideshow and recolored by me.
Download Here
@Matt5star – Thank you very much
super duper dope my man!!! Gotta say a big thank you, again, for this beauty of a theme. Those new gen logos are perfect and what to say about them engine sounds, you got me grunting like Tim the toolman taylor haha. I could go on for lines and lines but it all comes down to the fact you got everything on point!!
Can u make a badass theme of Chicago Bulls bro please ima big fan of them.
@doom – lol. The ‘D’ through me off
it was supposta be a snazzy way to say pimp** lol guess it went over your head.. lol
Thanks guys
@doom – ?
@ The Cult Of Personality – No Transformers. Just Cadillacs, lol.
nice them bro. but are they autobots or decipticons o.o
optimus we might have a problem, call in bubble bee!
nice theme, llD II IIvll lD ICONS !!! +1
a Cadillac always remember me the classical Cadillas and Dinosaurs xDDD great man xD
@ThugKnight – Thanks
I did this as a request. Matt5star sent the pics and gave me the direction for the icons.
Faxtron, mr_foxx, or F-Rott usually do the preview vids for me. I figured out how to fake it on my own, but with zoom it’s a hassle. Plus I’m putting the finishing touches on the Most Powerful Theme In The Universe.
Come on now Ultra I know you wish you could be like Ludacris for a day driving that bad boy around making this amazing theme but how about a preview video of the theme like you always do?