Evil Mustang

Theme by the_dennis171

My second theme, but it’s my first theme with customized icons.
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4 thoughts on “Evil Mustang

  1. The missing icons is because it was very difficult to find some icons i thougt would match the thing, and to the sound problem, i aint that good yet 😀

  2. and furthermore “Sound Settings” – well UM come on man I should have gotten a nod

  3. Not bad for your first attempt at custom Icons. HOWEVER you have forgotten a few. Always best to double check before you upload. your missing powersave , playlist and playlist add as well as your video uploader , just to mention a few , BTW there are MORE that you missed. but good to see ya tried to add in em all – there are many to add and sometimes one does miss a few. I have mustangs- the theme was already done with cars as the icons. I would imagine it is still available. awesome start new chat icon really cool – check out QQQ as a search to see what I am referring too about complete icon sets.


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