Theme by AdyP
I thought it was about time I did a SAAB theme as I live in Trollhättan where the SAAB plant is and I have also work at SAAB as an engineer. So here it is.
The SAAB PhoeniX Concept.
6 HD/SD Custom background images.
Custom icons, including icon design by OPTIMUS………………….cheers!
Download Here
LOL! Well, as I said, you’re the six million dollar man now: I’m not surprised that your healing abilities are extraordinary…
[and the song plays “na-na-na-naaaaaa… na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naaaaaa…” (bionic sound effect “ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti”)… :P]
So… go on, my friend, and impress everyone!
And don’t worry about your themes: just think to get back on your feet and “jump” here as soon as possible!!!
I can here the music to the Six Million Dollar Man now in my head………………….thanks mate………..
I have my laptop with me at the hospital, but the graphics are not good enough to do any Photoshop stuff, so yes I should be back on track in a couple of weeks my freind……..
everyone, including myself, is really suprised with how well I am after a 6 1/2 hour op…….. 
Yeah, great news!
So, let me see… they have replaced some pieces… tubes coming in and out everywhere… and maybe they said “Yes, we can do it: we can rebuilt him”…
OH MY GOD! The six million dollar man, Colonel Steve Austin is here!!!
Seriously, I’m really glad everything’s ok!
So, we’ll see you in a couple of weeks, instead the two months you told me, right?
Great, I’m very happy, my friend!
(And no… no, no, no… don’t ask me to cross fingers or anything else: the last time I did it, then I had to call a rescue team… :P)
Cheers buddy, I can do that for you, but I have to get out of hospital first, so it may take a couple of weeks………
Hi mate, just to let you know the op was a success, I now have a new bladder, well a bladder made of intestinal segments, but it beats a colostomy bag, I’m in a fair bit of pain, but nothing the drugs they are giving me can’t sort out and I have tubes coming out of me all over the place. The main thing is they think they have caught the cancer and removed it, but I have to waite a week or so for the results to come through…………….so fingers crossed………
I hope you are well………….
love your themes but i have a request can you make me a zr1 theme buddy
Hey, mate! Glad to hear you!
So, (idiot question… :P) how was the op?
But most of all (intelligent question… :D) how are you, my friend???
Hey, surgeons have not operated you, yet, right?
So, be prepared because after the op it’ll be worse: I’ll try to make you laugh so much that all stitches will jump away…!
Oh, don’t mention it!
I’m crossing fingers of my hands and even those of my feet for you, my friend!!!
Actually, I also tried to cross “something else” (if you know what I mean) but unfortunately I’m not a fakir…
Many thanks my friend………..
I have to do something to take my mind off of other stuff, but these will be the last themes I do for a little while, my op is tomorrow, so fingers crossed……….!
See you soon..!
Oh man… are you making and uploading themes directly from the hospital, by chance?

Well, at this point… nothing can stop you, for sure!
Good luck, my friend!
And get back here very soon!!!