B3yond gameing

Theme by Antibushido

l337 theme every pic thats on this i edited myself so you wont find them on the internet
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12 thoughts on “B3yond gameing

  1. I really want this on my PS3 but I have no idea how to put it in there. How do I do that?

  2. whatever loser, i can tell 100% by looking at the wallpapers that you just took the ones you liked from differnet themes. and i said you took images from BOA’s theme.. i didnt say you copied it exactly..well where ever you got them from took them from that theme.. thats all im saying.
    i just find it annoying on how your saying that you created them and they cant be found anywhere else. i guess using the sharpen button means the pictures are exclusive?? lol. what a joke you are.

  3. For one I got these pics off the internet and there are multiple not just one and not on someones theme. second i edited the picture, sharpening it, rendering it i gave it some touches two. if it was the same theme i would have used there icons off of there theme. so before you want to comment on and look like a jackass. you might want to get your facts strait and ask before you get embarrassed.

  4. the only thing you edited was put that stupid playstation name on the bottom.
    you took most of the images from the theme BoA made. you also did a crappy job on the image quality.

  5. k, ill make one with just the girl with the pink shirt and another one with the girl with just the milk shirt.

  6. can you make one of these where it just has the girl in the pink shirt pic. so it dont’ keep changing on me

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