JaycobJST requested a Batman Dynmaic Theme. So, Here it is enjoy. Feel free to leave comments on how I can improve this theme. Batman Icon made by Talos Tsui.
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
JaycobJST requested a Batman Dynmaic Theme. So, Here it is enjoy. Feel free to leave comments on how I can improve this theme. Batman Icon made by Talos Tsui.
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you but couple of sounds on from the show on there it would be really cool.
can u make or edit a oakland raiders dynamic theme sort of like the steelers 1 wif da kool icons
Adam Who?
Just kidding I may try a few new tricks and maybe add him. Later though working on lots of themes.
Where’s Adam West???
No, I cannot sorry. I could maybe make a different Batman Theme though if you want.
Give me sometime and I’ll work on all my requests.
sorry no I cannot.
can u make the different batmans rotate?
damn max.. u got some beggin a$$ fans, lol. thir ideas are great tho. none the less.. if you cant fulfil my request, id like to see you honer their requests. you are a good theme creator max.. keep em coming!!
Can you please!!!!!!!! make a HALLOWEEN/Michaeal Myers dynamic Theme Please? Your work is the best thank you
Great!!!!! 4/5 Max can you please make a Brandon Lee/THE CROW/Eric Draven Dynamic Theme please !!!!!!!!!! I Love your Dynamic Themes. They are my Favorites and this Batman one of your Is my Favorite Dynamic Theme And If You can.Can you please !!!!!!! and Sounds to it thank you. |ºµº|
np, THX.
oops i mean i appreciate you taking time to make this awsome theme for me i love it 5/5 btw i switched my user name to JaycobSamyouelT no longer JaycobJST you did a great job {*¿*} …………………………………….. THANK U
Thank you max i appropriate YOU TAKING TIME to make this for me
hey , can you make a dynamic knight rider theme.
the front of kitt with the red scanner moving?
im searching for but don´t find one.
I’m no batwoman fan but I like the arrangements.
Also never realized the BG is stretched, I was hoping it was repeated across =/
hey good job MAX! i have a request! if your interested and not overbooked with requests as it is… i have a theme idea that would be the best 420 theme ever.. if possible, can you take the icons from froopi420’s ‘WEED_JR’ theme and make it so how you have the batman symbols on this theme fly around, instead make them pot leafs, add the rolling smoke on the bottom, and how you have batman bouncing, make it the ‘high times’ jack in the box! lol! so it looks like the evil looking jack in the box is jumping up N down, LOL. FOOKin RIGHT!
Can you make a Demons Souls Dynamic theme, ive been waiting for one for a while, 4 people said there working on it and itll be up in a few days but that was months ago lol id really appriciate it, any cool dark picture with smoke on the bottom, like the princ of persia theme, but no spinning picture? thanks very much if you can XD
one of the best dynamic themes on here . i look for movement , and there is plenty in this theme , much better than some that ps store sells . DO MORE PLEASE!
I was working on one. Do you want the same one as the Batman or like the Smoke one. Just remember we cannot do to custom based on we do not have the actual program to make them from scratch.
can u guys make a boston celtics dynamic theme please
Like I’ve said many times we do not have thew actual program to make these Dynamic themes from scratch these are only edits from other Dynamic themes. If we did all of these themes would rock a lot more cause we would be doing stuff like what you suggested and with special sound effects and other cool stuff. Would be sweet for an updated theme editor though.
if its possible could u make it where his cape is moving and see if u could make where his eyes are blinking