Theme by HollowBattousai
As requested, a theme for this great anime Claymore!
A static version is also on the way which will include HD and SD backgrounds.
Download Here
@guille: De nada
voy a actualizar este theme, estoy buscando por nuevas fotos.
*w* gracias
@whiterabbit187: No problem
Super cool! THNX for your hard work .
@sonicdude: Enjoy this great anime, I wish they would make a new season already T_T. I actually made several Shana themes not to long ago, you can find them by typing the name Shakugan no shana on the search bar.
This is awesome Claymore theme and icons, right timing too, I just started to get into this anime a week ago. Also, I was wondering can you make a theme for Shakugan no Shana? o.o
@NecroticReaper: Thanks
I’ll see what I can do, I’m super busy with so many requests that I had to put a lot of my own projects on hold. so it might take a while to see your theme uploaded. If I can get enough backgrounds for your theme I’ll work on your theme asap.
love this theme nice work Hollow.
could you do a Cat Planet Cuties theme thanks
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c: Thanks, this series deserves more so I can’t wait to see your theme.
Yo Hollow, Veeery cool. I love Claymore. One of my favorite animes/mangas. Those icons are dope too.
I’ve had a Claymore theme sitting in the archives for a while. Now, Thanks to GlowBall and Faxtron, I have the tools to make it do what I want to. It’ll be a while before I post it because I want to add to it. It’s sort of a pet project that I refused to give up on. +1