Code Geass Theme v1.4 None HD

Theme by darkmvr

Originaly created by Madgot i remade the theme for people who dont have an HD television as for the HD wallpapers wont work on them.

So i remade it for those people who still have older televisions, the wallpapers arent also the same as in the original version.
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One thought on “Code Geass Theme v1.4 None HD

  1. Wow I didnt even know my Code Geass theme had a problem with SD tvs… Bit late to update it now though, duplicates will make things a bit confusion since you cant edit theme posts with new versions, you have to post a whole new one. Glad to see someone liked it enough to take the time to redo it for SD though. But it is odd, I actually do use the theme personally still, on my SD tv. I never had any problems with it. Though this theme has been updated like 3 times from me I think, on different sites, adding the new theme icons that came with Firmware. My personal one is up-to-date but not sure if any of the other ones hosted on these theme sites have the latest one or not. The file size makes it hard to get anyone to host it too. Maybe my older versions had corrupted SD papers, I hear if a wallpaper is over 1mb it wont show up in the theme when on PS3. Anyway… thanks for the support, sorry the previous ones were giving you issues.

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