Theme by HollowBattousai
This theme is dedicated to all Elfen Lied fans, This theme comes with 7 backgrounds that should work on HD and SD displays.
For the best experience possible lower the brightness through your PS3, System Settings > Theme Settings > Background > Brightness. Recommended (-3).
Download Here
No problem.
Thank you!
I added the elfen Lied backgrounds to my blog.
I’ll post the link really soon. Uploading the backgrounds right now.
Yeah, I will upload the backgrounds to my blog.
I was wondering
Is it possible for you to upload the Wallpapers somewhere?
I want for my Pc but cannot find
@ShadowSkilz: Thank you
I sent you a message on your email address.
Oh man that’s incredible as always… ^^ Elfen Lied is one of my favorites anime.
I want to ask you for a special request, please contact me on if you’re ok.
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c: I have to read his new manga, and Thank you.
I love this manga/anime. One of my favorites. The author’s new manga Gokukoku no Brynhildr is really good also
I always liked this icon set too +1