Goodbye Bleach

Theme by HollowBattousai

I decided to work on one more Bleach theme, this one is to say goodbye since the Anime will get cancelled on March 27.

This theme comes with 16 HD/SD backgrounds and all icons are present.
Download Here

41 thoughts on “Goodbye Bleach

  1. @ joon: sorry for the really late reply. It’s been cancelled period, maybe on break since the anime caught up to the manga. but TV Tokyo or Studio Pierrot have not given anyone any word on why it was cancelled.

  2. idr it being cancelled but i love bleach however i would like for you to do a rave master theme

  3. Not much a fan of this theme i like the 1 Saquardo did. i dnt care much 4 themes with too many screens. But i love anime! i wanna see a Naruto- Garra,Neji,Itachi or Shikamaru theme. Also other anmie i wanna see Yugioh Magician of chaos ,Yugioh GX with Elemental Hero Theme,YuYu Hakasho,Digimon,Gundam Wing,Zatch Bell,Darker Than Black, and a Bleach Theme of Ulqiorra a really cool green i con theme and cool pic of him transformed

  4. I’ll be working on a FLCL Theme soon and I’ll keep working anime related themes for a long time :). I’ll give the yu yu hakashou theme a shot, I’ll see if I can find high quality backgrounds that will fit the 1920 by 1080 resolution.

  5. hey man I heard you’re working on FLCL that’s great its an amazing anime keep making anime themes they come out amazing man and I’d like to see a Yu Yu Hakashou theme but you don’t have to work on it really soon I just wanna make that suggestion hope to see more from you

  6. Np XD. I will ask my friend KillaCams- 10 since hes the one that gathers the backgrounds for the HOTD themes. about the sekirei I will look up more ecchi backgrounds to add.

  7. Sorry I been buging you man. Also I have an idea, you should add more up skirt pics to anime themes of shows like HOTD or Sekirei since theres alot of that in the show.

  8. @ F_valent: Thanks and I also can’t wait for the 2nd season. 😀

    @ The Rater: Yeah I’m still working on HOTD themes. HOTD Saya Takagi was just added to today theme updates. I’ll be finishing the Saeko Busujima Theme sometime next week. Right now I’m finishing other requests. XD

  9. Yo Hollow are still doing your HOTD themes like your last one. Just got done watching it and I love Saeko.

  10. horny hell yess
    there will be HOTD 2nd season hip hip hurayy
    i looked forward for your theme thank you hollow
    hope there will be on HD version

  11. HOTD was an awesome anime!! btw i think i remembered hearing about a 2nd season. did anyone else hear about it?

  12. Also just download your HOTD theme of Saya Takagi and i must say great. Im bout to look at the show just cause of your theme.

  13. Yo Hollow how you been. I just thought of a theme you can add on your project list. You can make a Sekirei theme, i notice the site only has one.

  14. could you make guilty crown ps3 theme sometime in the future. i watched it and thought it was awesome

  15. I was unable to connect on the ps3 yesterday. seems to work fine now but I’ll have to check after i get home from work. Also yeah HOTD is a good anime.

  16. Oh its okay looking forward to the themes, and yea you psn name dont even display it’s log off time. Also is HOTD a good show?

  17. I’ve been having issues staying connected to the PSN since yesterday morning. I thought it was due to my internet connection but I keep getting an error saying unable to connect on SEN.

  18. how about HOTD more girls hot theme you said you one too build another one specially busuzima senpai

  19. I would be happy to make it, I’m downloading the anime right now and FLCL was great. I will do my best on the transformation pics and add as many as I can. 🙂

  20. Yea a regular theme is great i just want all the pics in their transformatin scene. Also can you add Sancty and KneeSocks in there to. Im sorry im going comment crazy its just that i can finally get to post them now. I have all your themes and you are really good thats why i had to ask you. If you need to talk add me on psn THEHEADSHOT_KING thankyou.

  21. hmmm. I’ve herd of this anime and I’m actually planning on watching it. I don’t make Dynamic or animated themes anymore because I don’t have the time to make them due to my job but I will be glad to make a regular theme for you if that’s okay.

  22. I hear it isn’t getting cancelled, just moved to a different channel. From TV Tokyo to TV osaka

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