HOTD Rei Miyamoto

Theme by HollowBattousai & KillaCams- 10

This theme is brought to you by: KillaCams- 10 and my self HollowBattousai, theme comes with 16 HD/SD Backgrounds.

For The Best Experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings > Background > Brightness > recommended -2 or -3.
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13 thoughts on “HOTD Rei Miyamoto

  1. dude i love your themes and HOTD but can you make one of naruto in his ninetails chakra mode

  2. I absolutly love the theme! is there anyway you can add a link to some of the background pictures you use? I would love to use one of them for my desktop wallpaper haha.

  3. Hollow can you make a theme of Brittanya O’Campo and if you can a second dynamic one of her?

  4. Great theme man, lovin it. Could you do a Takagi theme next she is my favorite. I would really appreciate it

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