Theme by HollowBattousai & KillaCams- 10
One more HOTD on the way, This theme comes with 16 HD/SD backgrounds.
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by HollowBattousai & KillaCams- 10
Download Here
@GrimmJow89: sorry for the really late reply my internet has been down for a while.
I’ll be happy to make a Black Rock Shooter Pro theme for you. I’ll be working on some themes this week.
hey Hollowbattousai can you make a black rock shooter slidepro please
@trioxin80: Thank you, sorry for the late reply. I’ve been really busy so I had little time to check messages.
one of my favs. good job
@mondo: sorry for the late reply, I’ll see what I can do.
do dragonballz theme!
@soraperch: thanks you :D, I started working on the pokemon theme icons once that is done the Kingdom hearts icons will be next.
just some backgrounds you dont have do much you make good themes
@Andre: Thank you
@perch: yeah i can make the themes for you, you want them in Slideshow pro or just a static theme?
could you make any kingdom hearts theme or pokemon with good wallpapers lol i tried making themes & i cant get pics fit.
You re really a good person. Congratilations great theme
@Andre: thank you, If I change my mind your theme will be the first in line
Oh i didnt know but thanks anyway. it was cool because you re good and FIFA is a great game. If you re change you re mind i apreciate so much
@Andre: I would like to make it for you but I only make Anime related themes.
Can you please do a FIFA 12 theme? I really apreciate thanks
@mat: I already made one
here is the link:
oh and yea GREAT JOB
please do one of rei ayanami
I would like to thank everyone for their likes on my themes, I also appreciate the dislikes, they let me know I still have to work harder on my themes which I will continue to do so.
Thanks for the info, I’ll look it up right now. and I’ll accept your request in sec. Thanks for the help
All the tools you need to make slideshows should be in the forum here. They’re really easy to do too. GlowBall’s tutorials are easy to follow. I sent you a request on PSN. I’ll be glad to help in any way I can.
@Darkko1 : I’ll do my best to make your themes, I’ve been really busy due to my job but I’ll make your theme. I’m also adding the Needless themes to my projects. I will be working on themes this week none stop. as everyone can see I make the icon backgrounds from scratch so that takes me a while to finish my themes.
Can you make a Sora no otoshimono theme that’ll be cool if you can. By though way you did a great job on this one
@SP33DY: Same here great anime!
i love YOU HOTD!!!!!
I was planing on working on slideshow style themes but I can’t find PS3 SDK Toolchain 3.41 so I’m going to call it quits on that plan.
@PookieChick: I actually watched it while it aired in japan and I agree It is a good anime, I will keep it in mind.
Someone should totally make a Needless theme!!!! Its an amazing anime on netflix. Its awesome bloody and funny, if yu havent seen it WATCH it, its bout these ppl called Needless who live in the Blackspot in Tokyo.Each Needless can have only Fragment. The showll explain the rest intensely!!! I love it and would appreciate if someone would make a few for me!!!!! Please and thanks!
@ultrama6net1c: I agree, I’m actually looking in to it right now. I would like to remake a few themes with the slideshow method. Thanks for the great idea.
you can definitely use the slideshow method for these themes. up to 15 1920×1080 pics, that would be even more awesome.
@That Kid: I’m not taking any requests at thiis time. I’ve been having little to no time to wokk on new themes. Job and now family problems so I will post on my blog when I can start taking requests. Sorry for the bad spelling i’m using my vita to respond since i’m away from home.
Can you make me a specific theme or no?
@dornell: I’m actually thinking on making some dynamic themes, I’m going to look for some guides since all I can make is just a standard dynamic theme like rurouni kenshin theme I made a while back.
you should make more animated themes 4 bleach itd b 2 awsome
@The Rater: Yeah, right now I’m working on some backgrounds. I will make it the best possible.
You mean Shizuka Marikawa.
@TheLoneWolf989: That is good news
summer is almost here so I can’t wait :D.
@The Rater: one more HOTD theme coming soon. I’m having problems getting backgrounds for this character though might get canned if I don’t have enough backgrounds.
good news, my mate went to anime convention and it turns out that its coming out in the summer, the reason they hadnt aired it yet is because in japan they think its like hentai and its too violent so they had problems getting a station to air it but they finally found one, hopefully the station wont change there mind.
Great theme, been waiting for Saeko to come out.
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c thank you and I’m glad you like them
and yeah I agree I know that the studio said they would make season 2 last year but nothing has been mentioned yet. a youtube video is up.
I like these anime themes you make. I also like how you own this category on this site. I don’t understand why there’s no season 2. the scanlations on the manga have stopped also. I don’t know how it’s doing in Japan, but they’ve got to be crazy if this isn’t popular. Gave you a like.
@F_Valent: no problem and glad to hear that
I’ve been busy but I will try to finish all the requested themes this month since I have 2 weeks off.
thanks hollow i really appreciate, you really keep your promise
i always use your theme on my ps3
as of right now I don’t take anymore request since I no longer have the time to work on themes like I used to due to my job
I will keep it in mind though but I can’t promise anything sorry 
@ Iluvmisacampo & TheLoneWolf989 Thank you for your support.
and same here I cant wait for season 2 my self. I wish they would give us a date already T_T. Misa amane theme is coming soon my friend KillaCams- 10 is helping me with that theme too so should be out really soon.
Awesome theme dude.
Can you do a theme of nichijou? and upotte?
once again another great theme still waiting for season 2 though
Nice Theme . I Think I Have Every Theme You’ve Made.