Theme by HollowBattousai & KillaCams- 10
One more HOTD on the way, This theme comes with 16 HD/SD backgrounds.
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by HollowBattousai & KillaCams- 10
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yo any update on the theme??
Heeey man How everything goin i havent talked 2 u 4 awhile so i was wondering wat was going on
lol no problem. XD
sounds good.If you can’t find a pic with all the characters for code geass then ill settle for 1 that has a majority of them or just the main characters. Sorry if im being difficult. lol
@elijahb22: I have a few wallpapers from Code Geass that show a few of the characters but not all of them. on the fairy tail side I have a a few that also have a lot of the characters in them and are bright.
hey man hows everything goin.
@elijahb22: sorry I’ve been busy, I’m looking for specific wallpapers I’ll post an update here once I find what you requested.
Hey man,been a while since i heard from you.Just wondering if everything going well with the wallpaper
I like anything that has zombies in it! in that case +1.
Can you send me a pm? It can say anything but id like to be friends wit you.
thecultofpersonality247: well I don’t know if it will ever be on Adult swim, but its an anime about zombies, look up some previews on youtube so you can get a better idea, look up High school of the dead.
what on earth is this show? I never see this stuff on tv. It come on cartoon network or something?
@elijahb22: sounds good, I’ll see what I can do, some animes have no group pictures so I’ll keep you updated just in case I cant find any.
Thanks man.The type of theme im interested in is 1 with either code geass or fairy tale.If possible id only like them 2 have 1 or 2 pic(ur choice)Also id prefer them 2 be kinda light and show many of the characters.If anythings wrong just tell me and ill change my preferrences.Once again many thxs bro.:)
@elijahb22: you mean a theme for you ps3? I will be happy to make one for you, only thing is I only make Anime and Jp games related themes. if its for one of those categories let me know what your interested on and I’ll do all I can to make it for you.
Hey HollowBattousai im new here but 4 the time that i have been here ive seen and loved many of the wallpapers that you have made so i was wondering if you could be kind enough to make me 1?
any1 here make animated themes?
@GrimmJow89: No problem, right now I’m looking for backgrounds to use for your theme.
cool thanks Hollowbattousai