Oh thank you good Sir. Send me a msg on PS3 with your email OR tell me your PSN ID and i’ll send you a fr request with a msg. Then we can exchange emails.
my PSN ID is DequanAquil
Oh thank you good Sir. Send me a msg on PS3 with your email OR tell me your PSN ID and i’ll send you a fr request with a msg. Then we can exchange emails.
Its a great theme!!
Damn, that looks insanely good. Nice job +1
my PSN ID is DequanAquil
Oh thank you good Sir. Send me a msg on PS3 with your email OR tell me your PSN ID and i’ll send you a fr request with a msg. Then we can exchange emails.
Sure I would be happy to
And if you can, i’ll provide the images btw.
Dequan Aquil, could you make a Star Wars theme for me please?
Yeah, very nice! +1!
Best i’ve seen so far. im looking for any animated ones that move
i love u for maken this theme!!!!!!
nice theme +1
Now this is really cool. I like those power effects. Nice job +1