Mardock Scramble Slideshow Pro

Theme by HollowBattousai

This is one bad *** anime!!

Thanks to GlowBall for the great tools used on this theme!
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8 thoughts on “Mardock Scramble Slideshow Pro

  1. How Do You Change Your Profile Picture?


    @Light: I bught the 2 Bluray movies from amazon, I don’t know if netflix has this anime on their list. if anyone here knows about a streaming site maybe they can post a link for us.

  2. I have an account with word press so the icon I have there I can use it here. you might need to make an account with to be able to add one. I might be wrong but that’s how I did it.

  3. it’s cool i have seen both movies on an anime site never watched it tho how can i get a picture on here? yours is cool

  4. almost forgot to give you the full name of the movie, the first movie is called Mardock Scramble – The First Compression, the second movie is called: Mardock Scramble The Second Combustion.

  5. @Light: I bught the 2 Bluray movies from amazon, I don’t know if netflix has this anime on their list. if anyone here knows about a streaming site maybe they can post a link for us.

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