Mizore Shirayuki 1.1 (HD + SD)

Theme by JuDicus MaXimus

New version 1.1

Change Log:

– SD compatible backgrounds have been added.
– Sound file has been removed.


Here’s your very own exclusive Mizore Shirayuki HD theme.
It includes 16 HD resolution Background’s that have each been individually worked on in Photoshop.
I am a huge Rosario + Vampire fan so let me know what you think.
Download Here

16 thoughts on “Mizore Shirayuki 1.1 (HD + SD)

  1. Hey lads sorry I was away for a week there in England back now and al get working on Moka soon! :L

  2. i really like this theme and ive read it but if you didnt know this the show of Rosario + Vampire is on netflix and i highly recomend it to you and any other fans.

  3. nice post 😀 if you have any time or are just bored could you maybe make a kingdom hearts theme 😀

  4. i used to read a lot of rosario+vampire but not anymore. still love the background though

  5. Light:

    man this is really nice can you do other anime?

    In my spare time I will keep making themes maybe Lala Sama from To love RU, Ren from DearS that sort of thing? I also love Chi from Chobits. :L

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