Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt

Theme by HollowBattousai

This theme comes with 14 HD and SD backgrounds. Enjoy 🙂
Download Here

18 thoughts on “Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt

  1. Thank you 😀 I’ll be in contact with you. I’m going to be working on themes this week since I can now see some light at the end of this tunnel I’m in. XD

  2. I feel you man you the boss, when ever you get a break you try to do the themes. Thats why if you need help to get backgrounds and what not let me know i got internet again and i be happy to help. If you cant get on your ps3 just email me

  3. yeah sorry I’ve had no time for my self this past month T_T, I actually had to sleep next to my phone since I’ve had late night calls. lol but work is work XD

  4. thank you, im not gonna get pushy about it or anything, but if they come out with a ps4 before you get around to it ill be disappointed.. lol

  5. Sure I’ll be glad to make some of this themes for you, I have a long waiting list this time though so It will be some time before any of them are uploaded. I will work on it asap since I do have people waiting but due to my job I’ve been super busy this past 2 weeks.

  6. nice theme! hello, im doom. i have a request.. do you think you can do a steamboy theme?, i gotta say steamboy is in my top 5.. paprika, ninja scrolls, inital D, samuri champloo, among others.. any of these would be awsome..

  7. @Brothers_Keeper1: Like I said on the previous post, I would like to but I only make anime based themes.

    @iluvmisacampo I’ll start on your theme once I get done with a few requests that I need to get finished.

  8. @Hollow hey can you make me a Ku (KANSAS UNIVERSITY) jayhocks theme……. sorry for misspelling my computer is weard

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