Theme by HollowBattousai
2.0 comes with a total of 14 HD/SD backgrounds and new icons including the psp go icon. I included 2 nice fan service backgrounds
enjoy! For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings > Background > Brightness > I recommend -2 or -3.
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@knives7 : Sorry for the late reply, I will be glad to make it for you. I will add it to my list.
you have some great themes =D was wondering if you could do a hunter x hunter theme
I’ll add you in a little bit, and the ps3 backgrounds have to be 1920 by 1080 so if they are bigger than that its fine I can lower their rez.
ok my psn is vertical09 since i dont know if your name is your psn add me
and ok ill send some backgrounds. how large do they have to be?
I will add it to my project list, if you want to pass me some backgrounds feel free to add me to on your ps3.
meant to say this in my last comment
after your done with your pending projects you should make a fresh theme of all the touhou girls
since the only one i can find is the same one just copied over and over =P
yes been waiting for a while XD nice theme. makes me want to rewatch the anime thanks