Soi Fon (Blue Edition)

Theme by SoundOfDarkness

Here’s a theme of my absolute favorite Bleach character Soi Fon with 14 HD only backgrounds. I used the blue Bleach icons created by deemy.
Download Here

7 thoughts on “Soi Fon (Blue Edition)

  1. No problem, but please don’t request one theme for each Bleach character. That would be way to much work for a hobby. XD

    I’m already working on my next themes. I just started playing SSFIV and I’m already in love with Juri Han and I found alot Juri pics so my next 2 or 3 themes will be Juri themes and maybe one SSFIV girls theme.

  2. Sorry for the wait,but thanks for giving me two colors anyway.Thanks again for this SOD.

  3. Oh blue would be good thanks,I have been looking for a theme with cool picks of byakuya and i never could find one to download straight to my ps3.

  4. IanNottingham:

    I really like your themes,could you do one with byakuya i would appreciate it.

    Glad you like it.
    Normally I don’t do requests but I guess I can look for some Byakuya pics and exchange them with the Soi Fon pics.
    Do you want the red or blue icons?

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