Spongebob Squarepants (Animated)

Theme by RoBeast

Custom animated Spongebob theme. Theme is 1280×720 and includes smooth loop animation and custom main icons.
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its funny how we jus jump on peoples comments and have a full conversation…. u came up wit great dynamic themes, but it is kinda limited cuz its only 1 wallpaper and u gotta try to have a balance between resolution and framerate, thats y i never tested the waters wit dynamics, i gotta get a hod of Glowball cuz he said he has some different schemes for slideshows, i jus want the ability to have the pics rotate in like a portrait slideshow kinda way….good luck with your computer homie


Dynamic, animated… it doesn’t matter, my friend: the important is that you get back here soon!
I’m still making standard themes too: my computer’s almost old like me πŸ˜› so it would never be able to run the programs needed to make dynamic themes. But given that I can easily create backgrounds and other stuff from scratch with my own hands, I can cooperate (like I did with Faxtron for “The Never-Ending Story” theme) to create animated themes…

Anyway, try to get back as soon as you can, my friend: I miss you and your themes! πŸ˜‰


@OPTIMUS, Doom: I still don’t have a laptop or computer capable of making new themes. My laptop crashed and burned. The only computers we have in the house are not “theme-making” ready. I’ll probably get a new laptop in a few days, then I’ll have to re-download everything once again and get back up to speed. I’m still not sure I like the dynamic theme scene. It’s too limiting with what ideas you can do. You have to conform to a pre-set number of things that are capable, and I’m already conforming to the theme standards as it is with… Read more »


@doom: Something wild, huh? Well, like every human being, I always dreamed of flying… I might try jumping out of a plane without a parachute, just to see what’s the maximum speed I could reach by falling down from an extreme altitude! πŸ˜› As for your theme, don’t worry: as soon as I finished all the other stuff I’m working on, I’ll start with your theme. I just hope to find some good images… (BTW: even if my brain’s going adrift, I’m STILL able to remember some things, so… where’s the Doom material you promised to give me long ago???)… Read more »


damn man, if i was you id be livin life to the fullest.. you should take a vacation or something man. like do something wild, ya know.
thanx for helping me with the theme later, i appreciate it. we r all here for you man.


@lisa: Yes, I saw it! But while I was commenting, my internet connection suddenly died… πŸ™ Anyway, that’s what I was telling you: If you have the possibility to see animated gifs on your computer, I could give you a very basic version (and with a simple animation) of what I had in mind when I explained you my idea πŸ˜‰ As for the other previews… well, there’s not much to see. -Video clip: it’s simply like you’ve already drew in your rough draft… there’s a static background, and in a corner of the screen is possible to place a… Read more »


: Yep, I could, my friend!
I just have to finish something else, first, and I also have to plan the theme for Lisa that I should make in coop with Faxtron… but don’t worry, I’ll surely see what I can do for you! πŸ˜‰

As for the rest… well, my health is getting worse: I recently had 2 blackouts in a row, and I think my brain lost another big piece of memories… πŸ™
Anyway, as long as I’ll be able to come here, I’ll be happy! πŸ˜€


hey opti lol did you saw my reply?


if you could make a gremlins theme, whenever your not bizzy on other projects. aside from that.. how have you been??


holy smokes!!!! hey f-rott!!!! long time no see man!


F-Rooooooott! Where have you been, my friend?
Ooh maaan, I’m so glad to hear you again! πŸ˜€

Hey… did you see my latest themes (especially the animated one, I made in coop with Faxtron, named “The Never-Ending Story”)??? πŸ˜‰


Boy, did I have a hard time downloading this theme! It wouldn’t download from my PS3, and it failed 2 times from my PC! I finally got it on the 3rd try.


Much better, now… lol! πŸ˜€


Thanks Optimus! I just uploaded the preview to youtube. You can now preview it here…



Yeah! Also, buffering is deadly slow… πŸ˜›

But what really matters is… you did a great job, mate! Veeery nice theme! πŸ˜€


Thanks. πŸ™‚

Speaking of preview this will be the last time I use photobucket for a video. It could be this crap computer I’m on but the THEME seems choppy although it isnt. Should have just stuck with youtube.


lol nvm i see it now…lol




Cool theme


Thanks. Very cool lol.