Strike Witches

Theme by HollowBattousai

This theme comes with 16 HD/SD Backgrounds (HD: 1920 x 1080 & SD: 640 x 480 ). For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings > Background > Brightness > I recommend -2 or -3.

See my Hyperdimension Neptunia Theme for the list of all upcoming themes.
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7 thoughts on “Strike Witches

  1. No problem about any delays!!! Thanx in advance for when you do get the chance to make the kenichi theme. THANX again.

  2. GREAT THEME!!!! Could you possibly make a Kenichi anime theme??? One where Kenichi is standing with his Masters ,or Kenichi vs Odin ,or Hermit vs berserker that would be really be A REALLY EPIC THEME THANX……

  3. Great theme hollow, as always. Cant wait for more themes. I still havnt seen this anime, watched a couple of eps, but it is on my anime list. More themes coming soon.

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