Comics/Anime Trigun May 28, 2010May 27, 2010 Theme by HollowBattousai Requested by: vash21 from Thanks to everyone for there support. Theme has a total of 11 backgrounds. Download Here
I did the same, the movie was great =D If i come across new backgrounds based on the movie I will make a part 2 for this theme.
love it dude great job
I did the same, the movie was great =D If i come across new backgrounds based on the movie I will make a part 2 for this theme.
just had to add this as my background after seeing the Trigun movie yesterday =D
Glad you liked it
I’m working on some new stuff & should be out soon.
nice theme love and peace
Glad you liked it, thanks for the support
SWEET, i freckin’ love Trigun. Great job!!
Glad you liked it
thanks for the support.
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT! Thanks a lot! now I’m gonna go watch the show again!
Thanks for the support
and yeah this Anime is great.
Thank you very much for making this theme HollowBattousai =) I love this anime!
Awesome, almost forgot about this one.
Iralo Good Theme !!!!!